Team members

Team leader

Bruno Cessac, Inria Research Director, team leader
Keywords: neuronal and retinal modeling, neural population coding, dynamical systems, statistical physics, software development.


Pierre Kornprobst, Inria Research Director
Keywords: visual system modeling, biologically-inspired computer vision, computer vision, image processing, variational approaches, accessibility technologies, virtual and augmented reality

Hui-Yin Wu, Inria Starting Faculty Position
Keywords: interactive storytelling, extended reality (VR/AR), accessible media for low-vision, computational/assisted creativity, procedural 3D content generation, user modeling, multimedia analysis

Ph.D. students

Sebastian Gallardo Diaz (2023-2026).
Topic: Optimizing newspaper aesthetics preserving style under visual constraints: a computational approach of layouting. Co-supervised by Pierre Kornprobst and Dorian Mazauric.

Johanna Delachambre (Nov. 2022-Oct. 2025)
Topic: Social interactions in low vision: A collaborative approach based on immersive technologies, co-supervised by Pierre Kornprobst and Hui-Yin Wu.

Franz Franco Gallo (Nov. 2022-Oct. 2025)
Topic: Modeling 6DoF Navigation and the Impact of Low Vision in Immersive VR Contexts, supervised by Hui-Yin Wu and Lucile Sassatelli

Alexandre Bonlarron (Oct. 2021-Sept. 2024)
Topic: Automatic generation of text under constraints for the detection and monitoring of visual pathologies: Development of fundamental AI methods in automatic language processing, supervisor: Pierre Kornprobst, co-supervised by Jean-Charles Régin (I3S) and Aurélie Calabrese (LPC)

Jérôme Emonet (Oct. 2021-Oct. 2024)
Topic: A computational model of the retino-thalamo-cortical pathway, co-supervised by Bruno Cessac and Alain Desthexe (Institut des Neurosciences Paris‑Saclay).

Florent Robert (Oct. 2021-Oct. 2024)
Topic: Analyzing and Understanding Embodied Interactions in Extended Reality Systems, co-supervised by Hui-Yin Wu, Marco Winckler (I3S), and Lucile Sassatelli (I3S).


Clément Bergman (Nov. 2022 – Apr 2024, Full-time engineer)
Topic: data processing and software development



Administrative assistant

Marie-Cecile Lafont
Email : Marie-Cecile.Lafont AT
Tel : +33 (0)4 92 38 78 30

Former members

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