Seminar of Christophe Hugon on virtual reality for psychophysics (Mar. 4, 2020)

When: 4 March 2020, 11h00

Where : Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée, room Byron beige

Speaker : Dr. Christophe Hugon (Research & Development in Marseilles, R&DoM founder)

Title: Development of a virtual reality framework applied to psychophysics and medical applications

Abstract: The development of virtual reality (VR) equipment has boomed recently, essentially for entertainment and video games. As a consequence, it is currently benefiting fast hardware and software improvement and innovation, and it became much more affordable. The VR systems bring consequent advantages for the research in psychology, cognition and perception medicine, and their applications: experimental conditions control, precise control on the luminosity, the angular stimuli sizes, the control of the head position and a very wide range of experimental possibilities. The PerceptionToolsVR is a framework developed in collaboration between R&DoM and the Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (LPC). It is based on PTVR, developed at the Max Planck Institute. This tool uses the Unity3D game engine, and its objectives are to provide an easy to use VR framework which allows the possibility to produce powerful virtual reality experiments. It is based on python, which is commonly used by psychophysics, cognitive psychology, and medical applications experiments.
The current state of this new tool, its current experimental usage and its perspectives in many psychophysics and medial applications will be presented.

Bio: Christophe Hugon studied at the Aix-Marseilles University in Mathematics, theoretic physics and particle physics. He obtains his Ph.D. in nuclear and particle physics at the Centre d’Études Nucléaire de Bordeaux-Gradignan on the NEMO3 and SuperNEMO experiments (studies of the 2-beta decay). Then He worked 4 years at the Istituto di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) of Genoa on the KM3NeT experiment (astrophysics-astroparticles with neutrinos telescopes). He created the R&DoM research startup which is working on various researches and developments in collaboration mainly with the Aix-Marseilles University, INFN and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia of Genoa.

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