New Master 1-2 internship offer: “Saliency heat maps for interactive 3D scenes using virtual reality”

Subject: Saliency heat maps for interactive 3D scenes using virtual reality

Supervisor: Hui-Yin Wu (Biovision project-team)


Saliency maps are the most common way of visualizing human attention, and is broadly used to understand how people view visual content, how style and visual arrangement in media changes the way people explore, perceive, and even interpret the content [2]. Virtual reality further offers the opportunity to observe visual attention in an immersive 360° environment [4], which has been a prominent topic in multimedia studies for images, film [3], and static 3D objects [5].
This project aims to explore the creation of saliency maps in 3D interactive scenes to visualize gaze data collected from integrated eye trackers.

Skills you will learn: saliency map, gaze tracking, virtual reality, 3D animations/graphics

For more information: Download detailed description

How to apply? Please contact the supervisor directly

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