Biovision seminar: Josselin Gautier

Title: Fixational eye movements and fluctuations of accommodation: new roles for microsaccades? 30 March 2017, 11h00, room  Y506 (Byron building) Abstract: Among fixational eye movements (FEMs) occurring during visual fixation, microsaccades have been shown to counteract visual fading and help to scan informative regions. I will present two recent and…

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Biovision seminar: Luca Calatroni (Ecole Polytechnique)

Title: Optimal image denoising modelling via PDE-constrained optimisation 21 March 2017, 11h00, room  Y506 (Byron building) Abstract: Variational methods and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) have been extensively employed for the mathematical formulation of a myriad of problems describing physical phenomena such as heat propagation, thermodynamic transformations and many more. In…

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