Biovision seminar: Benoit Miramond (LEAT)

Titre : Défis du calcul incarné dans les architectures neuromorphiques 13 July 2017, 14h30, room Y506 (Byron building) Résumé: Les réseaux de neurones artificiels, portés par les formidables capacités du cerveau biologique, n’ont cessé de s’affiner, ouvrant régulièrement de nouveaux domaines d’application (vision par ordinateur, machine learning, intelligence artificielle, prothèses…

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Biovision seminar: Josselin Gautier

Title: Fixational eye movements and fluctuations of accommodation: new roles for microsaccades? 30 March 2017, 11h00, room  Y506 (Byron building) Abstract: Among fixational eye movements (FEMs) occurring during visual fixation, microsaccades have been shown to counteract visual fading and help to scan informative regions. I will present two recent and…

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Biovision seminar: Luca Calatroni (Ecole Polytechnique)

Title: Optimal image denoising modelling via PDE-constrained optimisation 21 March 2017, 11h00, room  Y506 (Byron building) Abstract: Variational methods and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) have been extensively employed for the mathematical formulation of a myriad of problems describing physical phenomena such as heat propagation, thermodynamic transformations and many more. In…

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Biovision seminar: Jennifer Sarah Goldman (McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital)

February 20: Jennifer Sarah Goldman, PhD (McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital) will give us a talk entitled “Spectral Organization of Human Brain Activity” A mechanistic understanding of the mind remains one of the most substantive problems in science, but the probabilistic nature of neural signals seems to occlude…

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