Théo Papadopoulo

Research Director in the ATHENA project team.
INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée
Office Byron Y403
Tel: +33 4 92 38 76 01
Mail: Theodore.Papadopoulo AT
ORCID: 0000-0002-1643-9988
Main Research themes: Mathematical and computational models for the analysis of electro- and magneto-encephalography, Head modeling using MR images, Finite element methods, Real-time interpretation of brain activity with applications to Brain-Computer interfaces, 3D computer vision, image processing.
I used to work in the fields of Computer Vision and Image processing. Since 2002, I shifted my research interest to simulation and analysis of electro- and magneto-encephalography signals, with applications to Brain Computer Interfaces or more clinical applications such as epilepsy. I am also interested in developing joint models for studying the relations between various imaging functional modalities of the brain such as EEG, MEG, dMRI, fMRI or optical imaging.
More generally, i am interested in developing and implementing mathematical or algorithmic approaches for signal or image processing and analysis (recently applied to the fields of MEG, EEG and MRI).
I am also teaching a master course about applications of 3D Computer Vision at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and another master course entitled Functional brain imagery and Brain Computer Interfaces both at Master MVA at ENS Cachan (with B. Thirion).
Finally, I’m involved into several software developments:
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PhD students
- Sara Sedlar
- Ivana Kojcic
- Côme Le Breton
Former PhD students
- Jérôme Piovano (now a Apple).
- Sebastian Hitziger
- Brahim Belaoucha (now at Ericsson).
- Kostiantyn Maksymenko