Rachid Deriche

Inria Research Director, Emeritus
Member of the Academia Europaea
Cronos Team – Inria Center at Université Côte d’Azur
— Up to December 31st, 2022 —
ATHENA Project-Team Leader Office Byron Bldg - Y405
Tel: +33 4 92 38 78 32
mail: Rachid.Deriche@inria.fr web:
I am Research Director (Class Exceptional) at Inria in the Sophia Antipolis – Méditerannée Research Center where I lead the Project-Team ATHENA focused on the Computational Imaging of the Central Nervous System. I graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, in 1979, received the Ph.D degree in Mathematics from the University of Paris IX, Dauphine in 1982 and the HDR “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from Nice Sophia Antipolis University in 1991.
I used to teach graduate courses on Biomedical Imaging, Computer Vision and Image processing in the following Master of Sciences 2 : Master of Science in Computational Biology, in the following engineering school Telecom Sud Paris. I was vice-Director of the STIC Doctoral School and currently member of the Academic Council of Côte d’Azur University
I am a former member of the editorial board of Computational Imaging and Vision book series and Journal of Neural Engineering. I have been Associate Editor for many years for journals such as SIAM Journal onon Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), IJCV and area-chair for many conferences such as ECCV, ICCV, CVPR, MICCAI, RFIA, ISBI etc
Takreem Portrait – Awards Ceremony (Video) – “Scientific and Technological Achievement”
Portrait & Itw (2023) : “Rachid Deriche, trois vies scientifiques en une”
Video (2013) : French Academy of Sciences Grand Prize of the EADS Corporate Foundation in Computer Science
Video (2013) : Remise des Prix de la Fondation Airbus Group
ERC & Itw (2016) : Lauréat ERC Advanced Grant 2016
Video & Talk (2015) : Interview about my research activities at Inria (in French).
Video & Talk (2013) : “From Image Processing and 3D Computer Vision to Computational Brain Imaging” (Forum des lauréats en Informatique et mathématiques appliquées, 2013)
ERC AdG CoBCoM Workshop (2017)
Awards :
2024: Takreem Fondation Award – “Scientific and Technological Achievement”
2019 : 3IA Chair – Université Côte d’Azur – Research Axis : “AI for Integrative Computational Medicine” – AI Based Brain Connectomics
2019 : EURASIP Fellow In recognition of outstanding achievements in the broad field of Signal Processing and in particular in Computational Brain Imaging, the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) elevates me to “EURASIP Fellow”, the Association’s most prestigious honour. This award will be officially presented at the opening and award ceremony at EUSIPCO 2019, to be held in A Coruña, Spain, from 2 to 6 September 2019.
2016: ERC Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC AdG agreement No 694665 “Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping” from Sept. 2016 to August 2021). Have a look at this interview.
2014: Doctorate Honoris Causa awarded by Sherbrooke University to distinguish my carrer as image processing, computer vision and computational brain imaging expert and recognize my efforts and approach to engaging and educating generations of young scientists (Collation des Grades – Université de Sherbrooke 20/09/2014).
2013: French Academy of Sciences Grand Prize of the EADS Corporate Foundation in Computer Science. This award recognizes the achievement of a scientist in a French laboratory who has made exceptional contributions to the vitality and influence of computer-science research while building outstanding cooperation with industry. It has been officially awarded at the Institut de France on Tuesday 15 October 2013. For more details see the following links : Eads-1 — Eads-2 — Itw-1 – Forum des lauréats en Informatique et mathématiques appliquées.
Publications :
Articles in International Conferences
Articles in French Conferences
Citations :
Guide2Research has released the list of ranking of top scientists by H-Index for the year 2020 in the area of Computer Science and Electronics. World Wide Ranking (667) and France Ranking (9) : www.guide2research.com/scientists with #Citations 40 215 and H-Index: 76
Other links : Orcid Link Google Scholar Link (Citations…) J. Palsberg (The h Index for Computer Science…)
Identifiers :
Web of Science ResearcherID AAM-9869-2021
ORCiD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4643-8417
PhD students :
- Sara Sedlar « Deep Brain Connectivity Mapping » Université Côte d’Azur. In co-direction with T. Papadopoulo & S. Deslauriers-Gauthier
- Ivana Kojcic « Computational dMRI & MEEG » Université Côte d’Azur. In co-direction with T. Papadopoulo & S. Deslauriers-Gauthier
Former PhD students
- Matteo Frigo : « Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping: From Multi-Compartment Modeling To Network Topology Via Tractography Filtering » Université Côte d’Azur. Defended on Feb. 22nd, 2021 –
Reviewers : Prof. Maxime Descoteaux ( SCIL Lab, Sherbrooke University, CA), Prof. J.P. Thiran (EPFL), Examiners: A. Anwander ( Max Plack Institut for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig), Prof. R. Verma (University of Pennsylvania), T. Papadopoulo (Research Director, Inria), Thesis Co-advised with S. Deslauriers-Gauthier – Granted by Université Côte d’Azur. In co-direction with S. Deslauriers-Gauthier - Abib Alimi : « Three-dimensional Polarized Light Imaging: Towards Multicale and Multimodal Analysis
with Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging » – Université Côte d’Azur – Defended on May 25th, 2020 –
Reviewers : Prof. G. Menegaz, University of Verona (IT), Prof. Y. ZHU, Research Director CNRS, Lyon
(FR), Examiners : Prof. R. Verma (University of Pennsylvania), T. Papadopoulo (Research Director,
Inria), Thesis Co-advised with S. Deslauriers-Gauthier – Granted by Université Côte d’Azur. - Isa Costantini : « Paradigm free regularization for fMRI brain activation recovery.» – Université Côte
d’Azur – Defended on May 28th, 2020 – Reviewers : Prof. Gloria Menegaz, University of Verona (IT),
Prof. ZHU Yuemin, Research Director CNRS, INSA, Lyon (FR), Examiners : T. Papadopoulo (Research
Director, Inria), Prof.M.G Preti, University of Geneva. Thesis Co-advised with S. Deslauriers-Gauthier –
Granted by Université Côte d’Azur. - Thinhinane Megherbi : « Modélisation, contributions méthodologiques et applications en IRM de Diffusion» – Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houarui Boumediene, Algiers (DZ), Defended on
May 4th, 2019. Co-Directed with Pr. L. Boumghar(USTHB, Algiers). - Guillermo Gallardo : Inferring and Comparing Structural Parcellations of the Human Brain using Diffusion MRI – Université Côte d’Azur – Defended December 21st, 2018 – Reviewers: de Schotten Michel Thiebaut (ICM, Paris), O. Coulon (Aix Marseille Université) – Examiners: A. Anwander ( Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences , Leipzig), B. Thirion (Inria Saclay), R. Verma (Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania). Thesis Co-advised with D. Wassermann. Post-Doc@Max Planck Institut for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (DE).
- Marco Pizzolato : Computational Diffusion & Perfusion MRI in Brain Imaging – Université Côte d’Azur – Defended March 31st, 2017 – Reviewers: M. Descoteaux (Sherbrooke University, CA), C. Barillot (CNRS, Rennes) Examiners: O. Coulon (Aix Marseille Université), G. Menegaz ( Verona University), N. Paragios (ECP, Paris) Post-Doc@EPFL
- Rutger H.J. Fick : Advanced dMRI Signal Modeling for Tissue Microstructure Characterization – Université Côte d’Azur – Defended March 10th, 2017 – Reviewers: J.P. Thiran (EPFL, Lausanne), A. Leemans (UMC Utrecht) Examiners: M. Descoteaux ( Sherbrooke Univ., CA), A. Fuster (TUE, Eindhoven), N. Paragios (ECP, Paris) Research Scientist @TheraPanacea
- Gabriel Girard : Tractographie de la matière blanche orientée par a priori anatomique et microstructurels – Joint PhD – Co-tutelle – Université Sherbooke – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis – Defended April 20th, 2016 – Reviewers: J.P. Thiran (EPFL), A. Leemans (UMC Utrecht) Examiners: B. Sherrer (Harvard Medical Schoo), T. Papadopoulo (Inria) and P.M. Jodouin (Sherbrooke Univ.) Thesis co-advised with M. Descoteaux ( Sherbrooke Univ.) and K.Whittingstall Post-Doc@EPFL.
- Anne Charlotte Philippe : Régularisation du problème inverse MEG par IRM de Diffusion – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis – Defended Dec. 18, 2013 – Reviewers: J.M. Lina (ETS Université du Quebec), B. Thirion (Inria/CEA-Neurospin, Saclay) – Examiners : H. Benali (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière), M. Guy ( CNRS/CRMBM, Marseille), et J.P.Ranjeva (Fac de Médecine, Marseille). Thesis co-advised with Maureen Clerc. Research Engineer@Brain & Spine Institut – Paris Anne-Charlotte Philippe Homepage
- Sylvain Merlet : Compressed Sensing in Diffusion MRI – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – defended Sept. 11th, 2013 – Reviewers: R. Verma (University of Pennsylvania), C. Barillot (CNRS, Rennes),- Examiners : L.B. Ferraud (I3S, Sophia Antipolis), N.Paragios (Ecole Centrale, Paris) et M. Descoteaux (University of Sherbrooke). Research Engineer@Fortil – Sophia Antipolis Sylvain Merlet Homepage
- Emmanuel Caruyer : Q-space diffusion MRI: Acquisition and Signal ProcessingI – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – defended July 18th, 2012 – Reviewers: J.P.Thiran (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, Lausanne), D.Alexander(University College. London), H.Benali (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière), N.Paragios (Ecole Centrale, Paris) et J.P. Ranjeva (Fac de Médecine, Marseille). Researcher@CNRS, Rennes, Emmanuel Caruyer homepage
- Jian Cheng– Estimation and Processing of Ensemble Average Propagator and Its Features in Diffusion MRI – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis/CASIA/LIAMA (Beijing) – defended May 30, 2012 – Reviewers: M. Descoteaux (SCIL,Sherbrooke University), Hongtu Zhu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) \& Gaolang Gong (Beijing Normal University). Post-Doctoral Fellow@NIH , Bethesda Jian Cheng Homepage
- Aurobrata Ghosh– High Order Models in Diffusion MRI and Applications, defended April 11, 2011 – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Reviewers: P. Basser (STBB, NICHD, Bethesda) and B. Vemuri ( Univ. of Florida, Gainsesville). Research Associate@UCL, London – Aurobrata Ghosh Homepage
- Arnaud Messe in Co-Direction with H. Benali (Inserm U678) – Caractérisation de la relation structure-fonction dans le cerveau humain à partir de données d~IRM fonctionnelle et de diffusion Méthodes et applications cognitive et clinique, defended on December 21, 2010. Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis. Post-Doctoral Fellow Institut für Computational Neuroscience, Hambourg – Arnaud Messé Homepage
- Demian Wassermann – Automated In Vivo Dissection of White Matter Structures from Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, defended on April, 2, 2010. – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Reviewers : C.F. Westin (BWH, Harvard Medical School) \& C. Poupon (Neurospin). Researcher@Inria, Sophia-Antipolis Demian Wassermann Homepage
- Maxime Descoteaux – High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI : From Local Estimation to Segmentation and Tractography, defended on February, 5, 2008 – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Reviewers : P.J. Basser (NICHD, NIH, Bethesda), C.F. Westin (BWH, Harvard Medical School) \& C. Poupon (Neurospin) – Award of the best PhD thesis by ASTI 2009 (Association Française des Sciences and Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication. Professor@Sherbrooke University, Maxime Descoteaux Homepage
- Christophe Lenglet– Geometric and Variational Methodsfor Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing, defended on December, 12, 2006 – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Reviewers : P.J. Basser (NICHD, Bethesda), C.F. Westin (BWH, Harvard Medical School) \& G. Sapiro (CMRR, Univ. Minnesota) – Award of the best PhD thesis by AFRIF 2007 (Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l’Interprétation des Formes. Assistant Professor@CMRR, University of Minnnesota – Christophe Lenglet Homepage
- Lucero Lopez Perez – Régularisation d’images sur des surfaces non planes, defended on December, 15, 2006 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis – Reviewers : N. Sochen (Tel-Aviv University ) \& L. Alvarez (Las-Palmas Univ.) Lucero Diana Lopez Perez Homepage
- Mickael Rousson – Cue Integration and Front Evolution in Image Segmentation, defended on December, 6, 2004 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis. Reviewers : G. Sapiro (CMRR, Univ. Minnesota), L. Alvarez (Las Palmas Univ.) \& K. Siddiqi.(McGill Univ) – Research Manager, ContextVision AB, LInkoping, Mikael Rousson Homepage
- David Tschumperlé – PDE’s Based Regularization of Multi-Valued Images and Applications, defended on December, 13, 2002 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis. Reviewers : N. Sochen (Tel-Aviv Univ.) \& L. Alvarez (Las-Palmas Univ.). Award of the second best prize by Telecom-Valley in 2003. Researcher@CNRS, Caen – David Tschumperlé Homepage
- Nikos Paragios – Geodesic Active Regions and Level Set Methods : Contributions and Applications in Artificial Vision, defended on January 20, 2000 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis ~ Reviewers : M. Brady (Oxford Univ.), G. Sapiro (CMRR, Univ. of Minnesota) \& L. Alvarez (Las-Palmas Univ.) – Award second best PhD thesis Cor-Bayeen Ercim 2000. Professor Ecole Centrale, Paris – Nikos Paragios Homepage
- Pierre Kornprobst– Contributions à la restauration d’images et à l’analyse de séquences : Approches Variationnelles et Solutions de Viscosité, defended on November 5, 1998 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis – Reviewers : P. Bouthemy, G. Buttazo \& J.M. Morel. Researcher@Inria Sophia-Antipolis, Pierre Kornprobst Homepage
- Franck Taillandier – Reconstruction de bâti en milieu urbain : une approche multi-vues, Thèse Ecole Polytechnique defended on Sept. 2004. Reviewers : H. Maitre and J.P. Cocquerez. Researcher@IGN, Paris, Franck Taillandier Homepage
- Bénédicte Bascle – Contributions et applications des modèles déformables en vision par ordinateur, defended on July 13, 1994.- Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Reviewers G. Médioni (Univ. Southern California, USA) \& O. Kubler (EPFL). Expert Engineer@Thales Optronique, Paris Bénédicte Bascle Homepage
- Laurence Lucido : Navigation Sous-Marine Référencée Terrain par Mise en Correspondance de cartes Bathymétriques, defended January 1998 – Universit{\’e} de Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Data center Roadmap Manager at Gemalto, Nice. Laurence Lucido Homepage
- Thierry Blaszka : Approches par Modèle en Vision Précoce, defended on February 25, 1997 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis. Reviewers : R. Horaud (CNRS) \& O. Monga (INRIA). Research Manager@Amadeus, Sophia – Thierry Blaszka Homepage
- Yuxin Chen : Détection Optimale de Contours -Évaluation et Implémentation sur un Réseau Parallèle de Transputers, defended on July 1990 – Ecole Centrale de Paris – Co-Direction with J.P. Cocquerez & J. Devars- Laboratoire d’accueil: ENSEA. China