
The AROMATH seminar will usually happen on Tuesday at 10h30-11h30 every two weeks, except for a few deviations.
The presentations will typically take place at Inria Sophia Antipolis, Byron Blanc 106, and also online.
To join online, at or with a web browser at
use meeting ID: 828 5859 7791, passcode: 123

Category: General
Elisa Berrini : Geometric model for automated multi-objective optimization of foils

12 May 2017

This talk describes a new generic parametric modeller integrated into an automated optimization loop for shape optimization. The modeller enables the generation of shapes by selecting a set of design parameters that controls a twofold parameterization: geometrical - based on a skeleton approach - and architectural - based on the experience of practitioners - to impact the system performance. The resulting forms are relevant and effective, thanks to a smoothing procedure that ensures the consistency of the shapes produced. As an application, we propose to perform an automatic multi-objective shape optimization of a AC45 foil. The modeller is linked to the fluid solver AVANTI, coupled with Xfoil, and to the optimization toolbox FAMOSA. Hundreds of shapes are generated and tested in order to define a Pareto front of two performance criteria: drag and stability.

Salle Byron Blanc (Y106), Inria

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