
Team presentation

ALPINES (Algorithms and parallel tools for integrated numerical simulations) is a joint research group between Inria (Paris) and Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory (Sorbonne University and CNRS), which focuses on scientific computing. Our research work consists in the development of novel numerical algorithms and tools suitable for state-of-the-art mathematical models used in complex and large scale scientific applications, and in particular numerical simulations.

The proposed research program is by nature multi-disciplinary, interweaving aspects of applied mathematics, computer science, as well as those of several specific applications, as  wave propagation in multi-scale media (with geophysical and medical imaging applications), inverse problems, and molecular simulations.

  • Our first objective is to develop numerical methods and tools for complex scientific and industrial applications that are numerically robust and that  enhance their scalable execution on existing and emerging massively parallel machines.
  • Our second objective is to integrate the novel numerical algorithms into a middle-layer that hides as much as possible the complexity of massively parallel machines from the users of these machines.

International and industrial relations

Main International Collaborations:

  • Eidhoven Technical University
  • Imperial College London, University of Bath
  • EPFL and PSI
  • KU Leuven
  • University of Pavia
  • Ariel University

Main Industrial Collaborations:

  • CEA Saclay
  • EDF
  • IFPEN (Institut Francais du Petrole et des Energies Nouvelles)
  • Husky
  • ARC