Post-Doc Position OASIS I

Mission Title
Efficient Computational Tools to Solve Concurrent Optimization of Surfaces in Stamping


The limited availability of mineral resources has led to the need for High Performance Material (Steel, Aluminium, Alloys,…).
These advanced materials are used to design lighter and stronger structures, which result in a lower consumption of energy if one thinks of the correlation between the weight and fuel consumption e.g. in the automotive and aerospace industry.

These structures need to be manufactured themselves optimally, minimizing the waste of material, the defects, the failure or any unwanted in and post process bahaviour.

Among many manufacturing methodologies, we focus on the stamping process of metal sheets.

The aim of the postdoctoral position is the development of efficient computational tools to achieve multidisciplinary optimization of dimensioning factors during the stamping process.

Precisely, the candidate has to develop a geometric approach (e.g. FreeForm Deformation) to allow for the computation of shape sensitivity using stamping solvers as third party blackboxes, then use provided metamodels to compute approximate values of the objectives (spring-back, failure, folding, …).

The validation of the above first step should lead to the study (theoretical and computational) of Nash games where the players are the cited objectives, and where strategies are the shape distributed among players.

Different distributions of the shape among the players (referred to as territory splitting) lead to different Nash Equilibria.
The candidate has to lead the study of the impact of splitting on the obtained equilibrium (is it efficient? stable? and so on).

Candidate’s Profile

A good skill in the fields of Theory and Algorithms in Optimization and in Structural Mechanics, Shape Optimization or Geometric Modeling,
Scilab (optional: java, C++ )

Offer details

Duration: 12 months
Monthly salary after taxes : around 2000 € (medical insurance included).
company restaurant
Location: Sophia Antipolis between Nice and Cannes on the French Riveira

Before applying, it is advised to contact the scientific advisor for more information on the research project (his/her e-mail is above-mentioned). You can also ask the HR contact for any administrative or practical information.
In the interests of protecting its scientific and technological assets, Inria is a restricted-access establishment. Consequently, it follows special regulations for welcoming any person who whishes to work with the institute. The final acceptance of each candidate thus depends on applying this security and defence procedure.