Mario Ricchiuto

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DISSERTATIONS and internship reports

  1. M. Ricchiuto, Contributions to the development of residual discretizations for hyperbolic conservation laws with application to shallow water flows,  HDR Thesis, December 2011 (PDF)
  2. M. Ricchiuto, Construction and Analysis of Compact Residual Discretizations for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Meshes, PhD thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles and von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN 2-930389-16-8, June 2005 (gzipped PDF)
  3. M. Ricchiuto, Space-time residual distribution schemes and application to two-phase flow computations on unstructured meshes, VKI Diploma course project report, VKI PR 2001-23, June 2001 (PDF)
  4. M. Ricchiuto, Time accurate solution of hyperbolic PDEs using FCT and residual distribution, VKI short training program report, VKI SR 1999-33, September 1999  (PDF)


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