Zenith is seeking postdoc candidates with expertise in distributed and parallel data management, in particular, cloud and P2P computing.

In the context of the BigdataNet project, between Zenith and the distributed systems team of Profs. Amr El Abbadi and Divy Agrawal at University of California, Santa Barbara, we are seeking postdoc candidates
with expertise in distributed and parallel data management (i.e. distributed and parallel systems AND data management), in particular, cloud and P2P computing.

The postdoc will be for 12 to 18 months and will be located in Montpellier, France, with trips to UCSB.

The postdoc candidate should hold a Ph.D. in computer science, obtained no more than on year ago, and have strong research experience in distributed and parallel systems as well as data management, as demonstrated by publications in major journals and conferences.

Gross salary: 2620 euros / month

Adviser and contact: Patrick.Valduriez@inria.fr
Co-adviser: Esther.Pacitti@lirmm.fr

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/postoc-bigdatanet/