Risc2: network for supporting the coordination of HPC research between Europe and Latin America (2021-2023)

The RISC2 project was  a coordination network for High Performance Computing (HPC) between Europe and Latin America, funded by the European H2020 FETHPC program and the partner countries.  The consortium  was managed by Barcelona Computing Center and has eight main European HPC actors, including Inria Zenith and Atos Bull, and the main HPC actors from Brazil, including LNCC, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Costa Rica and Chile.

The objective was to encourage stronger cooperation between their research and industrial communities on HPC applications and infrastructure deployment. The main project deliverable was a cooperation roadmap aimed at policymakers, the scientific community and industry, identifying key application areas, HPC infrastructure and policy requirements, and exploring ways for the activities established during the project to last beyond its lifetime.

The activities and results have been disseminated widely through dedicated project communication tools, taking advantage of existing platforms such as Campus Iberoamerica. The training carried out in the project will help capacitate Latin American HPC, and the structured interaction between researchers and policymakers in both regions will reinforce links and help define a coordinated policy and a clear roadmap for the future.

International Workshops

HPC and Data Sciences meet Scientific Computing, CARLA 2022, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 26-30 September 2022

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/risc2/