Wimmics stands for Web-Instrumented huMan-Machine Interactions, Communities, and Semantics. Our challenge is to bridge formal semantics and social semantics on the web. We are a joint research team between Inria Centre at Université Côte d’Azur and I3S (CNRS and Université Côte d’Azur). Our research areas are graph-oriented knowledge representation, reasoning and operationalization to model and support actors, actions and interactions in web-based epistemic communities. The application of our research is supporting and fostering interactions in online communities and management of their resources. Wimmics is a follow-up of the teams Acacia, Edelweiss and Kewi.
Inria field: Perception, Cognition, Interaction
Inria theme: Knowledge and Data Representation and Management
I3S division: SPARKS: Scalable and Pervasive softwARe and Knowledge Systems
CNRS institute: INS2I