Previous WOS Editions

WOS’22: Workshop on Streaming, Thursday Nov. 24th 2022, at Inria Rennes and online

supported by Inria IRISA and Broadpeak

🎬 The video recordings of the WOS’22 talks can be found here.

📣 Programme:

9h00 – Welcome Coffee ☕️
9h20 – Optimizing Video Delivery at the CDN Edge

  • Ali C. Begen (Ozyegin University): Server/Client Cooperation in Low-Latency Live Streaming

    Abstract: Today, a glass-to-glass latency of 10-30 seconds is practically achievable in live streaming, and such a range is acceptable in most cases. Nevertheless, the increasing number of cord-cutters is putting pressure on streaming providers to offer low-latency live streaming, especially for sports content. This talk first presents the low-latency solutions the streaming industry produced in the last few years and then exemplifies in what ways the Common Media Client Data (CMCD) standard and its upcoming sister standard — Common Media Server Data (CMSD) — can help improve the low-latency delivery performance.

  • Franck Chi (B<>Com): A Variable frame rate algorithm and applications (short talk)

    Abstract: Ultra-High Definition (UHD) Television has been defined to improve the quality of experience. This specification enhances several technical dimensions such as the dynamic range or the frame-rate. For instance, several studies have demonstrated that the High Frame Rate (HFR) format (+100 fps) improves significantly the perceived video quality. On the other hand, HFR brings several challenges to the transmission chain, including physical interfaces as well as increases in processing complexity and bit-rate. In this presentation, a Variable Frame Rate (VFR) solution is described to determine the minimal video frame-rate that preserves the perceived video quality of HFR videos. The frame-rate determination is modelled as a multiclass classification problem which consists in dynamically and locally selecting one frame-rate among three: input frame rate (HFRin), HFRin/2 or HFRin/4. The results of a subjective evaluation confirm that the proposed solution enables to locally determine the lowest possible frame-rate while preserving the quality of experience. Complementary works have demonstrated the possibility to apply the VFR algorithm on encoded video without additional transcoding. A prototype has been developped showing a VFR enhanced TS SRT transmission chain. VFR filtered streams are correctly displayed by off the shelf SRT players. Therefore the proposed VFR solution provides significant bit-rate savings, complexity reductions and thus energy savings at both encoder and decoder sides.

10h30 – 11h00 Coffee Break ☕️
11h00 – Multipath/P2P

  • Daniel Negru (INPB and Quanteec): Multi-source p2p streaming: next step towards a fair streaming

    Abstract: Today’s solutions for streaming rely almost exclusively on a CDN approach. We can foresee the limits of this model in terms of scalability, quality and energy spent, especially when the audience is high. QUANTEEC tackles the problem with a different paradigm, turning each viewer into a potential re-streamer and enhancing the concept with a multi-source dimension. Each already existing resource is exploited at its maximum to efficiently serve the video content, whilst at the same time save maximum energy.

  • Quentin De Coninck (UC Louvain & KU Leuven): Integrating a Multipath Transport Protocol in my Application: Challenges to get Benefits

    Abstract: With the increasing adoption of Multipath TCP (and more recently Multipath QUIC), applications can now simultaneously use several network paths. There are two major use cases for using multiple paths: bandwidth aggregation and fast network resiliency. However, “Multipath-specific” algorithms (path management, packet scheduling,…) often optimise specific applications and misusing them might lead to counter-intuitive results. In this talk, we will consider two simple applications having different requirements. Considering Multipath TCP and Multipath QUIC, we will see how these protocols behave in different network scenarios. We will conclude by a discussion about the streaming case.

12h30 – 14h Lunch 🍴
14h00 – Content Security

  • Gwenael Doerr (Synamedia): OTT and Anti-piracy

    Abstract: Premium video and exclusive TV programs have been pirated for decades. Typical countermeasures involve cryptography-based mechanisms intended to prevent access to the content (conditional access, DRM) as well as forensic techniques to trace content once it has leaked (digital watermarking). The emergence of new video distribution models such as OTT had an impact on such content protection primitives. In this presentation, we will survey how proof-of-possession can be leveraged to prevent several users from accessing the same resource in a CDN using the same credentials. We will also highlight how OTT has motivated a deviation from the client-based watermarking architectures and showcase the A/B watermarking blueprint that became the industry standard nowadays.

14h45 – Energy 1

  • Daniel Schien (University of Bristol): Use-of-System approaches for Electricity Footprinting of Digital Media

    Electricity footprints are the basis to estimate the carbon emissions from use of electricity. The current metrics suggested by carbon footprinting standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol ICT sector guidance have shortcomings that undermine their effectiveness to support decision making with the goal to decarbonise the sector. In this talk I will be discussing these some of these shortcomings and present an idea how to move forward.

15h30 – 16h Coffee Break ☕️
16h00 – Energy 2

  • Olivier Le Meur (Interdigital): Energy aware technologies to improve the sustainability of video streaming

    Abstract: Video streaming is growing extremely fast representing more than 82% of internet traffic. This rapid growth will continue in the coming years requiring massive energy to support the production, the delivery and the end-user consumption. This is not at all sustainable with respect to the amount of energy required and the ecological emergency we have to face.

    The aim of this presentation is both to create awareness of the magnitude of the problem and to show what efforts are underway. We will specifically focus on new methods for delivering high-quality of experience while, in the meantime, reducing energy impact. Beyond the technological aspect, we will also discuss the standardization opportunities that are currently emerging.

  • Tushar Gohad (Intel): Energy-efficient Streaming Systems

    Abstract: Global Internet use accounts for 3% of all carbon emissions, the same as the aviation industry. 82% being video streaming, a signficant contribution is from the content delivery infrastructure at Edge. This talk will cover efforts on making Edge CDN nodes more (resource- and thus) power-efficient, getting the most from the Watts we use, through advancements in CPU and system power management, and smarter Software architecture.

17h30 – Wrap up


Registrations are closed.


The workshop will be taking place at the Centre de conférence Inria, on the Beaulieu Campus of the University of Rennes 1, Avenue du Général Leclerc 35042 Rennes Cedex. More detailed travel information can be found here.

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WOS10: Inria Workshop On Systems

Oct. 12th 2021, at Inria Rennes  and online

(all videos)
9h00 – Welcome
9h15 – Session 1 – Energy/frugal computing

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie (Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inria, IRISA): Measuring and modeling the energy consumption of Cloud infrastructures (video)

    Abstract: Cloud computing is increasingly spanning worldwide, with digital services hosted all around the globe and often belonging to complex systems, utilizing many other services and hardware resources themselves. Along with this increase comes an alarming growth of Cloud devices and their related energy consumption. Despite the Cloud systems’ complexity, understanding how they consume energy is important in order to hunt wasted Joules. This talk will deal with measuring the energy consumption of Cloud infrastructures, deriving models from these measurements and implementing these models into simulation tools that can be used to experiment new energy-efficient strategies.

  • Romain Rouvoy (Université de Lille, Inria): How green is your cloud: from measurements to actionable insights (video)

    Abstract: The cloud is often singled out as one of the major culprits in the explosion of digital environmental impact worldwide. While the success of this paradigm over the years is now undeniable, referring to a single environmental indicator, such as PUE, does not allow for an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a public or private cloud operator. This talk will therefore focus on exploring the methods and tools that can effectively reduce the environmental impact of the cloud without necessarily constraining its usages.

10h45 – Break 
11h15 – Session 2 – Network inference, analysis of network data

  • Thibault Maho (Inria Rennes): SurFree: a fast surrogate-free black-box attack (video)

    Abstract: Machine learning classifiers are critically prone to evasion attacks. Adversarial examples are slightly modified inputs that are then misclassified, while remaining perceptively close to their originals. Last couple of years have witnessed a striking decrease in the amount of queries a black box attack submits to the target classifier, in order to forge adversarials. This particularly concerns the black-box score-based setup, where the attacker has access to top predicted probabilites: the amount of queries went from to millions of to less than a thousand.
    This talk presents SurFree, a geometrical approach that achieves a similar drastic reduction in the amount of queries in the hardest setup: black box decision-based attacks (only the top-1 label is available). We first highlight that the most recent attacks in that setup, HSJA, QEBA and GeoDA all perform costly gradient surrogate estimations. SurFree proposes to bypass these, by instead focusing on careful trials along diverse directions, guided by precise indications of geometrical properties of the classifier decision boundaries. We motivate this geometric approach before performing a head-to-head comparison with previous attacks with the amount of queries as a first class citizen. We exhibit a faster distortion decay under low query amounts (few hundreds to a thousand), while remaining competitive at higher query budgets.

  • Chadi Barakat (Inria Sofia Antipolis): Bridging the gap between network measurements and quality of experience: the video streaming case (video)

    Abstract: We overview in this talk the set of our activities on the experimentation, measurement, and modeling of Quality of Experience for video streaming traffic. Video streaming is one of the services posing a serious challenge for network operaters and content providers as for its popularity, its greediness in terms of network resources, and its sensitivity to the level of service provided by the network. The management of video streaming is thus a challenging task for operators, and this challenge is even further increased with the shift of video streaming towards end-to-end encryption. In this project, we have worked on the characterization of video streaming traffic and the building of predictive models for the quality of experience (QoE) of end users that allow operators to take appropriate network management decisions. We will start by overviewing our experimental framework built around intelligent controlled experimentation, then move to present a list of results about the analysis of video streaming traffic and the associated level of quality of experience. We will discuss about our modeling work for the prediction of QoE using machine learning and network measurements that are either collected out-of-band before the arrival of the video streaming traffic (the prediction case) or in-band from the encrypted video traffic itself (the inference case). We will also discuss the effect of the viewing port resolution on the Quality of Experience and the video traffic itself, and propose machine learning models that can succefully infer the viewport class (either SD or HD), and with a lower precision its exact resolution. In the meantime, we present results on the respect of the video player for the viewport resolution and the waste of bandwidth that can occur.

12h45 – Lunch Break. On your own: Be aware that lunch cannot be provided for sanitary reasons.

14h30 – Session 3 – Performance monitoring

  • Jalil Boukhobza (ENSTA Bretagne), François Trahay (Télécom SudParis / Institut Polytechnique): EZIOTracer: unifying kernel and user space I/O tracing for data-intensive applications (video)

    Abstract: Tracing is a popular method for evaluating, investigating, and modeling the performance of today’s storage systems. Tracing has become crucial with the increase in complexity of modern storage applications/systems, that are manipulating an ever-increasing amount of data and are subject to extreme performance requirements. There exists many tracing tools focusing either on the user-level or the kernel-level, however we observe the lack of a unified tracer targeting both levels: this prevents a comprehensive understanding of modern applications’ storage performance profiles. In this paper, we present EZIOTracer, a unified I/O tracer for both (Linux) kernel and user spaces, targeting data intensive applications. EZIOTracer is composed of a userland as well as a kernel space tracer, complemented with a trace analysis framework able to merge the output of the two tracers, and in particular to relate user-level events to kernel-level ones, and vice-versa. On the kernel side, EZIOTracer relies on eBPF to offer safe, low-overhead, low memory footprint, and flexible tracing capabilities. We demonstrate using FIO benchmark the ability of EZIOTracer to track down I/O performance issues by relating events recorded at both the kernel and user levels. We show that this can be achieved with a relatively low overhead that ranges from 2% to 26% depending on the I/O intensity.

  • Nominoe Kervadec (Broadpeak): Building a high-performance benchmarking and load-testing tool for video streaming and content delivery systems (video)

    Abstract: QoE of users can be impacted by errors or undue latency from streaming servers. Thus, as the streaming server must transfer large amount of data without any hiccups, it must be optimized for reliable and consistently high performance. In order to assess its performance or detect issues, it is critical to generate as realistic as possible workloads, reproducing subtle timing patterns such as implicit synchronization of players, and avoiding pitfalls of synthetic workloads. To this end, at Broadpeak, we’ve implemented a high-performance benchmarking tool able to emulate precisely HLS and DASH players while leveraging the Chromium engine for realism. We describe alternatives for video streaming benchmarking, and present some key aspects of our tool. We conclude by giving a glimpse of its capabilities and uses so far.

  • Freysteinn Alfredsson (Karlstad University, Sweden): Bringing packet queueing to XDP (video)

    Abstract: The Linux eXpress Data Path, or XDP, has found numerous uses in the industry,
    such as DoS attack mitigation, load-balancers, and intrusion prevention systems.
    XDP provides a high-performance programmable network data path using the eBPF
    framework and allows programmers to process packets early out of the driver.
    While XDP excels in forwarding packets, it currently has no mechanism for
    queueing or reordering packets and cannot implement traffic scheduling policies.
    In this talk, we present our ongoing work to address this challenge. We intend
    to design a programmable packet scheduling extension for the XDP framework using
    recently proposed schemes for programmable queues. This extension allows
    programmers to define their packet schedulers using eBPF while benefiting from
    the XDP fast data path.

  • Yohann Ghigoff (Orange): BMC: Accelerating Memcached using Safe In-kernel Caching and Pre-stack Processing (video)

    Abstract: In-memory key-value stores are critical components that help scale large internet services by providing low-latency access to popular data. Memcached, one of the most popular key-value stores, suffers from performance limitations inherent to the Linux networking stack and fails to achieve high performance when using high-speed network interfaces. While the Linux network stack can be bypassed using DPDK based solutions, such approaches require a complete redesign of the software stack and induce high CPU utilization even when client load is low.
    To overcome these limitations, we present BMC, an in-kernel cache for Memcached that serves requests before the execution of the standard network stack. Requests to the BMC cache are treated as part of the NIC interrupts, which allows performance to scale with the number of cores serving the NIC queues. To ensure safety, BMC is implemented using eBPF. Despite the safety constraints of eBPF, we show that it is possible to implement a complex cache service. Because BMC runs on commodity hardware and requires modification of neither the Linux kernel nor the Memcached application, it can be widely deployed on existing systems. BMC optimizes the processing time of Facebook-like small-size requests. On this target workload, our evaluations show that BMC improves throughput by up to 18x compared to the vanilla Memcached application and up to 6x compared to an optimized version of Memcached that uses the SO_REUSEPORT socket flag. In addition, our results also show that BMC has negligible overhead and does not deteriorate throughput when treating non-target workloads.

16h30 – Coffee Break
17h00 – Session 4 – Identity and Personal Data (1h10)

  • Nabil Ghanmi (ARIADNEXT): A full remote identity verification system for a secure KYC procedure

    Abstract: In an economic environment that is increasingly being digitalized, it is becoming essential for companies to rethink their customer journey in order to offer them fast, reliable and ergonomic online services. This affects more particularly the customer onboarding stage, which must bring mutual trust between all the players. In this talk, I will present a fully automated onboarding system including various KYC services such as: identity document verification, face recognition and liveness detection. This system provides the confidence needed at the initial contact stage and helps combat fraud and meets regulatory requirements.
    From a freely captured image (using flat scanner, smartphone or any other device), the identity document is firstly identified. Then, personal information is extracted and analyzed based on advanced ML techniques. Several automated verifications are also performed to check the document authenticity. Furthermore, in order to ensure that the user wishing to authenticate is who he claims to be behind the screen, biometric tools are used to invite him to take a selfie or a facial recognition video and ask him to perform a series of movements which are then analyzed and cross-referenced with the identity document data. These biometric analysis are performed using recent deep learning systems that have proven to be very effective and robust to various presentation attack cases. Once the analysis has been completed, a real-time verdict on the authenticity, validity and conformity of the analyzed document, as well as a control report on the holder’s identity are established.
    Our system is used by major financial institutions in several European countries, many Fintechs, online gaming operators as well as many service providers needing confidence in an increasingly digital and regulated world.

  • Vincent Roca (Inria Grenoble): TousAntiCovid: closeup on the contact and presence digital tracing features of the French app (video)

    Abstract: The TousAntiCovid French app now features two digital tracing functionalities: contact tracing (since June 2020) through the ROBERT protocol, and presence tracing (since June 2021) through the CLÉA protocol. In this talk we will introduce these two complementary systems: the motivations, the technical principles and associated challenges, how it compares to the alternatives, and some statistics. More details on: and

WOS9: Inria/Interdigital Workshop On Systems, Dec. 5th 2019, at Interdigital

9h15 – Welcome
9h30 – First Session

  • Gilles Muller, Inria. Research problems in thread scheduling for multicore general purpose operating systems.
  • Kevin Huguenin, UNIL-HEC. Towards Usable Checksums: Automating the Integrity Verification of Web Downloads for the Masses.

11h00 – Coffee

11h30 – Networking Session

  • Ulises Olvera-Hernandez, InterDigital. A flat, service-rich edge/access architecture for Beyond 5G.
  • (short) Patrick Maillé, IMT. Neutral and Non-Neutral Countries in a Global Internet: What Does it Imply?
  • (short) Loick Bonniot, InterDigital & IRISA / Inria Rennes. DIAGNET: towards a generic, Internet-scale root cause analysis solution.

13h – Lunch

14h – Machine Learning Session:

  • Nicolas Courty, University of Bretagne Sud. Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs.
  • Arsany Guirguis, EPFL. AggregaThor: Byzantine Machine Learning via Robust Gradient Aggregation.

15h30 – Coffee

16h00 – Distributed Computing Session

      • (short) Alex Auvolat, Inria. Merkle Search Trees: Efficient State-Based CRDTs in Open Networks.
      • Adrien Lebre, IMT Atlantique/Inria/LS2N. Inria Project Lab Discovery: Revising OpenStack to operate Fog/Edge infrastructures.

WOS8: Workshop On Systems, Dec. 11th 2018

9am Opening SESSION

      • Ovidiu-Cristian Marcu (INRIA) A Unified Ingestion and Storage System for Scalable Big Data Processing
      • Vlad Nitu (EPFL) Welcome to zombieland: practical and energy-efficient memory disaggregation in a datacenter
      • Stéphane Gouache (Technicolor R&I) /Don’t share, Don’t lock: Large-scale Software Connection Tracking with Krononat

11am System SESSION

      • Heverson B. Ribeiro (b-com Institute of Research and Technology) On using micro-clouds to deliver the fog
      • Julia Lawall (INRIA/lip6) Coccinelle: 10 Years of Automated Evolution in the Linux Kernel

1:30pm Architecture SESSION

      • Clémentine Maurice (CNRS) Evolution of microarchitectural attacks
      • André Seznec (IRISA/INRIA)Towards effective hardware implementation of compressed caches

3:30pm Middleware SESSION

      • Timothy Wood (George Washington University) From Pipes to Processors: Building High Performance Network Middleware
      • Pascal Manchon (Blacknut)The challenges of a multi-cloud game streaming service

WOS7: Workshop On Scalable computing, 2017

9h30 The unlabeled SESSION

      • Joris Duguépéroux (INRIA) – Privacy preserving crowdsourcing : Ongoing work and perspectives
      • Olivier Ruas (INRIA) – Fingerprinting BigData
      • Fabien Mathieu (Nokia Bell Labs) – Kleinberg’s Grid Unchained

11h15 Machine learning SESSION

      • Gilles Trédan (LAAS/CNRS) – Log Mining using Natural Language Processing: Application to Anomaly Detection
      • Kevin Scaman (MSR-INRIA Joint Center) – Optimal algorithms for smooth and strongly convex distributed optimization in networks

14h Blockchains SESSION

      • Gilles Fedak (INRIA / – project: Blockchain-based Fully Distributed Cloud Computing
      • Marko Vukolić (IBM Research) – Hyperledger Fabric: a Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains

16h Distribution at all scales SESSION

      • Jasmina Malicevic (EPFL) – Everything you always wanted to know about multicore graph processing but were afraid to ask
      • Davide Frey (INRIA) – Networks of Browsers: new Challenges for P2P Overlays

WOS6: workshop on big data and analytics, 2016

8h45 Opening SESSION 1
• Pierre Louis Roman, INRIA, Bringing secure Bitcoin transactions to your smartphone.
• Remi Bois, INRIA, Automatic creation of navigation links in multimedia content.
• Bastien Confais, IRCCyN – LINA labs, Which storage system for FoG computing.

45mn talk
• Laurent Mathy, Montefiore Institute, Liège, Next-gen software networking.

SESSION 2 (11-12h30)
• Imad Aad, Swisscom, Switzerland. The non-technical challenges of Privacy.
• Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, Spark versus Flink: Understanding Performance in Big Data Analytics Frameworks.

SESSION 3 (14-15h30)
• Joseph Dureau, SNIPS, Paris, How we build Artificial Intelligence with privacy.
• Pascal Molli, Nantes University. Federated semantic web.

SESSION 4 (16-17h30)
• Peter Triantafillou, University of Glasgow. Towards Intelligent Big Data Infrastructures.
• Esther Pacitti, INRIA & Lirmm, Montpellier. Experiences on Data Management Techniques for Scientific Applications.

20h Dinner at l’Amiral, in Rennes (limited number of seats)

WOS5: workshop on storage and data analytics, November 19th 2015

9h30-11h00 Ph.D. student session (15mn talks)

      • Stéphane Delbruel (INRIA): Towards Tag-Based Georeplicated Content Placement
      • Christopher Humphries (supélec): Security Event Visualisation
      • Anca Iordache(INRIA): Accelerating Clouds with FPGA Virtualization
      • Nupur Mittal (INRIA): Privacy-Conscious Information Diffusion in Social Networks
      • Hamza Ouarnoughi (B<>COM/UBO): A Cost Model for Virtual Machine Storage in Cloud IaaS Context
      • Tien-Dat Phan(INRIA): On Understanding the Energy Impact of Speculative Execution in Hadoop

11h30-13h00 SESSION 1 (45mn talks)

      • Ludovic Denoyer (lip6): Sequential Models for Data Acquisition and Processing
      • Stefan Schmid (TU Berlin / Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs)): Algorithmic challenges in Software-Defined Networks

14h00 – 15h30 SESSION 2

      • Hervé Jégou (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research): Exploiting high dimensionality for similarity search in huge visual collections
      • Anne-Marie Kermarrec (INRIA) Reconciling abstraction and performance in Transactional Memory

16h-17h30 SESSION 3

      • Ioana Manolescu (INRIA): Massively Parallel Architectures for Querying Web Data
      • Willy Zwaenepoel (EPFL): Analytics on Graphs with a Trillion Edges

20h Dinner at The Amiral (city center)

WOS4: workshop on storage and cloud computin, 2014

      • Stéphan Clémençon – Telecom Paristech
      • Aleksandar Dragojevic – Microsoft
      • Patrick Laffitte – Kila Systems
      • Anne-Cécile Orgerie – CNRS/IRISA
      • Etienne Riviere – University of Neuchatel
      • Gael Thomas – UPMC
      • Patrick Valduriez – INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
      • Jon Walkenhorst – Technicolor

WOS3: Third Workshop On Storage and Cloud Computing, 2013

Thursday 21
9:30 Welcome speech by Cristina Gomila, Director of image science & media computing labs
9:45-10:45 Session 1: (25mn+5mn)

      • Scalable data management for scientific applications on clouds, Alexandru Costan (INRIA)
      • Cloud-TM: harnessing the cloud with distributed transactional memories, Paolo Romano (INESC-ID)

11:00-12:45 Session 2: Student talks

      • Resource provisioning for batch applications in heterogeneous clouds, Anca Iordache (INRIA)
      • Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Geo-Replicated Systems, Shengyun Liu (Eurecom)
      • Cooperative caching for cloud computing, Maxime Lorrillere (LIP6)
      • On information leaks on GPUs, Clémentine Maurice (Technicolor)
      • Privacy-preserving P2P collaborative filtering, Antoine Rault (INRIA)

14:00-15:30 Session 3:

      • Workload Management of Web-Scale Streaming Services, Christos Gkantsidis (Microsoft Research)
      • Towards Data Center Systems, Edouard Bugnion (EPFL)
      • Hybrid recommendation architecture, Anne-Marie Kermarrec (INRIA)

16:00 – 17:00 Session 4:

      • Compute, storage, network and the workflow challenge from content creation to distribution, Julian Nevell (Technicolor)
      • Generalized Universality, Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL)

17:00 – Free Time for discussions

19:30 Dinner at l’Amiral in Rennes

Friday 22
9:15-10:15 Session 5:

      • Gossip protocols for information dissemination and other tasks, George Giakkoupis (INRIA)
      • Robust hybrid multi-cloud storage, Marko Vukolic (Eurecom)

10:15-11:00 Coffee break around poster session & Demos

      • Anomaly filtering in large scale systems, Romaric Ludinard (Technicolor)
      • Rozo FS: a fault tolerant distributed file system based on the Mojette transform, Benoît Parrein (Polytech Nantes) + a demo
      • Towards a Privacy-Preserving Asymmetric Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Tardos Code, Julien Lolive (IRISA)
      • Private Similarity Computation and P2P Systems, Mohammad Alaggan (INRIA)
      • Demos from Technicolor:
        Dynamic ad insertion
        Movie synchronized summary
        Eye Gazed based Human Profiling

11:00-12:15 Session 6 and Wrap-up:

      • Enforcing declarative data confidentiality and integrity policies in large-scale distributed data processing systems, Peter Druschel (MPI-SWS)
      • Multi-site web search engine, Xiao Bai (Yahoo!)

Buffet for participants

13:30-15:00 Figaro (FP7) workshop, Session 1

      • Future Internet Gateway-based Architecture of Residential netwOrks (FIGARO), Henrik Lundgren (Technicolor)
      • Home Networked Things, Frank den Hartog, (TNO)
      • A Social Content Management in the Home Ecosystem, Claudio Casetti, (Politecnico di Torino)

15:15 — 16:30 Figaro Session 2

      • Gateway-based Monitoring, Henrik Lundgren (Technicolor)
      • Multipath Video Delivery to the Home with HAS over MPTCP, Luis Montalvo, Stéphane Gouache (Technicolor)

WOS2: The Second Workshop On Storage, 2013

9:30-10:50 Session 1 (short talks)

      • Backup based on coded data and metadata in the cloud, Thomas Mager (Eurecom)
      • Efficient deduplication for cluster-based storage systems, Kostas Kloudas (INRIA)
      • Efficient maintenance framework for storage systems, Alex Van Kempen (Technicolor)

11:00-12:20 Session 2:

      • CamCube – Rethinking the Data Center Cluster, Paolo Costa (Imperial College)
      • Rhea: automatic filtering for unstructured cloud storage, Dushyanth Narayanan (Microsoft Research)

14:00-16:00 Session 3:

      • Challenges in Digital Services Delivery: The Cloud vs. The Crowd, Christophe Diot (Technicolor)
      • Bipartite Graph Structures for Efficient Balancing of Heterogeneous Loads, Laurent Massoulié (INRIA)
      • Design and Analysis of Networks of Caches, Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts)

16:15 – 17:35 Session 4:

      • Geo replication all the way to the edge, Marc Shapiro (INRIA)
      • Cloud storage security, Christian Cachin (IBM) [slides]

WOS1: workshop on distributed storage technologies, 2012

Session 1: P2P Distributed Backup and Sharing

      • The Wuala file sharing and backup system, Thomas Mager (EURECOM)
      • Efficient P2P backup through buffering at the edge, Alex Van Kempen (Technicolor)
      • Performance Analysis of P2P Storage Systems, Remigiusz Modrzejewski (INRIA)

Session 2: Coding for Storage Systems

      • Overview of Regenerating Codes, Nicolas Le Scouarnec (Technicolor)
      • Exact Regenerating Codes on Hierarchical Codes, Ernst Biersack (EURECOM)

Session 3: Managing redundancy in distributed systems

      • Exploiting Rateless Coding in Structured Overlays to Achieve Data Persistence, Emmanuelle Anceaume (CNRS)
      • Availability-based methods for distributed storage, Erwan Le Merrer (Technicolor)

Session 4: Managing User Data and Enabling Sharing

    • Distributed Content Sharing and Backup using Social Information, Jin Jiang (Polytechnico di Torino)
    • Pretty Private Group Management, Olivier Heen (Technicolor)
    • Home Networking as a Distributed File System View, Serge Defrance (Technicolor)
    • Demo Session (Unified Home Storage), Jean Le Roux (Technicolor)

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