Workshop on Scalable and Secure Systems le 11 juin à 14h salle Turing-Petri

Workshop on Scalable and Secure Systems 11 juin, 14h, salle Turing-Petri Programme : 14:00 Opening 14:10 Pascal Felber “OneFile: A Wait-Free Persistent Transactional Memory” 14:40 Danny Hugues “Underware : middleware for the secure modification of processor architectures“ 15:10 Sonia Ben Mokhtar “User Re-Identification Attacks: Tell Me How You Move I…

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Paper Accepted at INFOCOM 2019

Congratulations to David Bromberg, Quentin Dufour, and Davide Frey! Their paper on Multisource Rumor Spreading with Network Coding has been accepted to the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), one of the flagship conferences in networking and distributed computing research.

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