
Bernard Brogliato, INRIA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 655 avenue de l’Europe, 38334 Saint-Ismier, France.     

e-mail: bernard.brogliato arabos

Main Research Areas:

  • Nonsmooth dynamical systems (differential inclusions, variational inequalities, complementarity systems), in finite dimension: control, modelling, analysis. Those who would like to know  what nonsmooth systems are, may have a look at the SIAM Review article:

B. Brogliato, A. Tanwani, Dynamical systems coupled with monotone set-valued operators: Formalisms, applications, well-posedness, and stability, SIAM Review, vol.62, no 1, pp.3-129, 2020.  pdf

  • Dissipative dynamical systems.
  • Discrete-time set-valued sliding-mode control and differentiation with the implicit Euler method, see   video

My research work belongs to the fields of Automatic Control, Mechanics, Applied Mathematics.

Below you can find: a list of my journal articles, of my books, of my PhD and post-doc students, and of the French and European projects I coordinated.

Short CV:

Born in 1963 in Saint-Symphorien-De-Lay.

1983-1987: Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan (now Paris-Saclay), France, Mechanical Engineering Dept. (agregation de Genie Mecanique, 1986)

01 September 1988- 11 January 1991: PhD in Automatic Control (Grenoble INP)

November 1995: Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches (Grenoble INP)

01 October 1991- 30 September 2001: Charge de Recherches (Junior Scientist) CNRS, Laboratoire d’Automatique de Grenoble (now Gipsa Lab)

01 October 2001-present: Directeur de Recherches (Senior Scientist) INRIA Grenoble

Bibliographical Data:

Systems and Control journals: among others: 25 articles at IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (with 12 regular papers), 6 articles at SIAM J. Control Optimization, 2 articles at Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems, 12 articles at Automatica (with 6 regular papers), 3 articles at Control Enginering Practice, 2 articles at Annual Reviews in Control.

Mechanical Engineering journals: among others: 2 articles at European J. of Mechanics A/Solids, 14 articles at Multibody System Dynamics, 4 articles at Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2 articles at Granular Matter.

Applied Mathematics journals: 1 article at Numerische Mathematik, 5 articles at J. of Convex Analysis, 2 articles at Mathematical Programming A, 3 articles at Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods and Applications, 1 article at European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1 article at SIAM Review, 1 article at Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization.

(I also published in Robotics (article no 16), Physics (article no 43, 58, 67, 71)).

Books: I authored and co-authored 5 monographs, two of them with a third edition (see below).

Invited articles and chapters: Ten journal articles in special issues, and four book chapters.

Associate Editorship: Automatica (1999 to 2008), Nonlinear Analysis, Hybrid Systems (2016 to 2019), ASME J. of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (2016 to 2019).

Citations from Google Scholar: 13900 citations in October 2024, h-index 55.

Most of my articles (authors version) are freely available at: My Google Scholar page: Google Scholar  also contains many links. Or just click on the pdf links.

Articles published in International Journals:

119. Q.H. Pham, B. Brogliato, F. Miranda-Villatoror, “Well-posedness of passive time-varying linear cone complementarity systems”, Journal of Convex Analysis, 2025.
118. Q.H. Pham, B. Brogliato, “Correction to “Analysis of the Implicit Euler Time-Discretization of a Class of Descriptor-Variable Linear Cone Complementarity Systems”, J. Convex Analysis 29/2 (2022) 481-517″, vol.31, no 3, pp.1035-1037, 2024. pdf
117. F. Miranda Villatoro, F. Castanos, B. Brogliato, Finite-time convergent discrete-time algorithms: from explicit to backward schemes, Automatica, 2024. pdf
116. A. Younes, F. Miranda Villatoro, B. Brogliato,Trajectory tracking in linear complementarity systems with and without state jumps: A passivity approach, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol.54, paper 101520, 2024. pdf
115. B. Brogliato, Comments on “Finite-time stability of discrete autonomous systems” [Automatica 122 (2020) 109282], Automatica, vol.156, paper 111206, October 2023. pdf
114.   A. Nurkanovic,  S. Albrecht, B. Brogliato, M. Diehl, The time-freezing reformulation for numerical optimal control of complementarity Lagrangian systems with state jumps, Automatica, vol.158, paper no 111295,  December 2023. pdf
113. M.R. Mojallizadeh, B. Brogliato, A. Polyakov, S. Selvarajan, L.  Michel, F. Plestan, M. Ghanes, J.P. Barbot, Y. Aoustin, A survey on the discrete-time differentiators in closed-loop control systems: experiments on electro-pneumatic system and rotary inverted pendulum, Control Engineering Practice, vol.136, 105546, 2023.  pdf
112. M.R. Mojallizadeh, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur. Modeling and control of overhead cranes: a tutorial overview and perspectives, Annual Reviews in Control, vol.56, paper 100877, 2023   pdf  or  pdf
111. B. Brogliato, Modeling, analysis and control of robot-object nonsmooth underactuated Lagrangian systems: A tutorial overview and perspectives, Annual Reviews in Control, vol.55, pp.297-337, 2023.  pdf
110. A. Chatterjee, G. James, B. Brogliato, “Approximate coefficient of restitution for nonlinear viscoelastic contact with external load”, Granular Matter, vol.24, paper no 124, 2022.   pdf
109. B. Brogliato, A. Rocca, “Analysis of the implicit Euler time-discretization of passive linear descriptor complementarity systems”, Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization,  vol.3, paper no 7269, 2022. pdf
108. B. Brogliato, “Analysis of the implicit Euler time-discretization of semi-explicit differential-algebraic linear complementarity systems”, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol.60, no 4, pp. 2159-2183, 2022. pdf
107. R. Kikuuwe, Y. Yamamato, B. Brogliato, “Implicit implementation of nonsmooth controllers to nonsmooth actuators”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no 9, pp. 4645 -4657, 2022. regular paper  pdf  pdf
106.G. Perozzi, A. Polyakov, F.Miranda-Villatoro, B.Brogliato, “Upgrading a linear controller to a sliding mode one: Theory and experiments”, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 123, 105107, June 2022.  pdf
105.B. Brogliato, “Analysis of  the implicit Euler time-discretization of a class of descriptor-variable linear cone complementarity systems”, Journal of Convex Analysis, vol.29, no 2, pp. 481-517, 2022.  pdf
104.B. Brogliato, “Dissipative dynamical systems with set-valued feedback loops: Well-posed set-valued Lur’e dynamical systems”, IEEE Control Systems Magazine,  (special issue for the 50th anniversary of Willems’ dissipativity paper, part I and part II), vol.42, no 3, pp.93-114June 2022.  Invited paper   pdf
103.M.R. Mojallizadeh, B. Brogliato, V. Acary, “Time-discretization of differentiators: design of implicit algorithms, and comparative analysis”, Int. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.31, no 16, pp.7679-7723, 2021.    pdf
102.B. Brogliato, A. Polyakov,  “Digital implementation of sliding-mode control via the implicit method: A tutorial”, Int. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, special issue Homogeneous Sliding-Mode Control and Observation, vol.31, no 9, pp.3528-3586, 2021.   pdf  Invited paper
101.B. Brogliato, A. Tanwani, “Dynamical systems coupled with monotone set-valued operators: Formalisms, applications, well-posedness, and stability”, SIAM Review, vol.62, no 1, pp.3-129, 2020.  pdf
100.B. Brogliato, J. Kovecses, V. Acary, “The contact problem in Lagrangian systems with redundant frictional bilateral and unilateral constraints and singular mass matrix. The all-sticking contacts problem”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.48, no 2, pp.151-192, 2020.   pdf
99.O. Huber, V. Acary, B. Brogliato, “Lyapunov stability analysis of the implicit discrete-time twisting control algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, no 6, pp.2619-2626, June 2020.  pdf
98.A. Ferrante, A. Lanzon and B. Brogliato, “A direct proof of the equivalence of side conditions for strictly positive real matrix transfer functions”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, no 1, pp.450-452, January 2020.  pdf
97.B. Brogliato, A. Polyakov, D. Efimov, “The implicit discretization of the super-twisting sliding-mode control algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, no 8, pp.3707-37013, August 2020.  pdf
96.G. James, K. Korotnikov, B. Brogliato, “Kuwabara-Kono numerical dissipation: a new method to simulate granular matter”, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.85, no 1, pp.27-66, 2020.  pdf
95.A. Vieira, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur, “Quadratic optimal control of linear complementarity systems: First order necessary conditions and numerical analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, no 6, pp.2743-2750, June 2020.  pdf
94.F. Miranda-Villatoro, F. Castanos, B. Brogliato, “Continuous and discrete-time stability of a robust set-valued nested controller”, Automatica, vol.107, pp.406-417, September 2019. regular paper   pdf
93.A. Polyakov, D. Efimov, B. Brogliato, “Consistent discretization of finite-time and fixed-time stable systems”, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, vol.57, no 1, pp.78-103, 2019.  pdf
92.B. Brogliato, “Non-autonomous higher-order Moreau’s sweeping process: Well-posedness, stability and Zeno trajectories”, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 29, special issue (Theory and applications of nonsmooth dynamical systems, Eds: Mike jeffrey and Petri Piiroinen), pp.941-968, 2018.   pdf    invited paper
91.F. Miranda-Villatoro, B. Brogliato, F. Castanos, “Errata to “Multivalued robust tracking control of Lagrange systems: Continuous and discrete-time algorithms” “, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.63, no 8, p.2750, 2018.
90.F. Miranda-Villatoro, B. Brogliato, F. Castanos, “Set-valued sliding-mode control of uncertain linear systems: continuous and discret-time analysis”, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol.56, no 3, pp.1756-1793, 2018.   pdf
89.A. Tanwani, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur, “Well-posedness and output regulation for implicit time-varying evolution variational inequalities”, SIAM Journal on  Control and Optimization, vol.56, no 2, pp.751-781, 2018.     pdf
88.B. Brogliato, “Feedback control of multibody systems with joint clearance and dynamic backlash: A tutorial”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.42, no 3, pp.283-315, 2018.  pdf
87.N. Akhadkar, V. Acary, B. Brogliato, “Multibody systems with 3D revolute joints with clearances: an industrial case study with an experimental validation”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.42, no 3, pp.249-282, 2018.     pdf
86.F. Miranda-Villatoro, B. Brogliato, F. Castanos, “Multivalued robust tracking control of Lagrange systems: continuous and discrete-time algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.62, no 9, pp.4436-4450, 2017.    pdf   regular paper
85.R. Kikuuwe, B. Brogliato, “A new representation of systems with frictional unilateral constraints and is Baumgarte-like relaxation”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.39, no 3, pp.267-290, 2017.     pdf
84.M. Haddouni, V. Acary, S. Garreau, J.D. Beley, B. Brogliato, “Comparison of several formulations and integration methods for the resolution of DAEs formulations in event-driven simulation of nonsmooth frictionless multibody dynamics”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.41,no 3, pp.201-231, 2017.   
83.N. Akhadkar, V. Acary, B. Brogliato, “Analysis of collocated feedback controllers for four-bar planar mechanisms with joint clearances”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.38, no 2, pp.101-136, 2016.    pdf
82.A. Blumentals, B. Brogliato, F. Bertails-Descoubes, “The contact problem in Lagrangian systems subject to bilateral and unilateral constraints, with or without sliding Coulomb’s friction: A tutorial”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.38, no 1, pp.43-76, 2016.  pdf
81.O. Huber, V. Acary, B. Brogliato,  “Lyapunov stability and performance analysis of the implicit discrete sliding mode control”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.61, no 10, pp.3016-3030, October 2016. regular paper    pdf
80.O. Huber, V. Acary, B. Brogliato, F. Plestan, “Implicit discrete-time twisting controller without numerical chattering: analysis and experimental results”, Control Engineering Practice, vol.46, pp.129-141, January 2016.   pdf
79.S. Adly, B. Brogliato, B.K. Le, “Implicit Euler time-discretization of a class of Lagrangian systems with set-valued robust controller”, Journal of Convex Analysis, vol.23, no 1, pp.23-52, 2016.  pdf
78.A. Tanwani, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur, “Observer design for unilaterally constrained Lagrangian systems: A passivity-based approach”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.61, no 9, pp.2386-2401, September 2016.  pdf  regular paper
77.V. Acary, B. Brogliato, Y. Orlov, “Comments on  “ Chattering-free digital sliding-mode control with state observer and disturbance rejection” “, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.61, no 11, p.3707, November 2016.
76.A. Tanwani, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur, “Stability notions for a class of nonlinear systems with measure controls”, Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, vol.27, no 2, pp.245-275, 2015.    pdf      
75.B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, “Singular mass matrix and redundant constraints in unilaterally constrained  Lagrangian and Hamiltonian  systems”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.35, no 1, pp.39-61, 2015.  pdf
74.Z. Zhao, C. Liu, B. Chen, B. Brogliato, “Asymptotic analysis of Painleve’ s paradox”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.35, no 3, pp.39-61, 2015.   pdf
73.B. Wang, B. Brogliato, V. Acary, A. Boubakir, F. Plestan, “Experimental comparisons between implicit and explicit implementations of discrete-time sliding mode controllers: towards input and output chattering suppression”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol.23, no 5, pp.2071-2075, 2015.    pdf
72.A. Tanwani, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur, “Stability and observer design for Lur’e systems with multivalued, non-monotone, time-varying nonlinearities and state jumps”, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol.56, no 2, pp.3639-3672, 2014.     pdf
71.V. Acary, H. de Jong, B. Brogliato, “Numerical simulation of piecewise-linear models of gene regulatory networks using complementarity systems”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol.269, pp.103-119, 2014.   pdf
70.B. Brogliato, “Kinetic quasi-velocities in unilaterally constrained Lagrangian mechanics with impacts and friction”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.32, pp.175-216, 2014.    pdf
69.H. Zhang, B. Brogliato, C. Liu, “Dynamics of planar rocking-blocks with Coulomb friction and unilateral constraints: comparisons between experimental and numerical data”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.32, no 1, pp.1-25, June 2014.  pdf
68.S. Greenhalg, V. Acary, B. Brogliato, “On preserving dissipativity properties of linear complementarity dynamical systems with the theta-method”, Numerische Mathematik, vol.125, no 4, pp.601-637, December 2013.  pdf
67.H. Zhang, C. Liu, Z. Zhao, B. Brogliato, “Energy evolution in complex impacts with friction”, Science China Physics Mechanics and Astronomy, vol.56, no 5, pp.875-881, May 2013. pdf
66.H. Zhang, B. Brogliato, C. Liu, “Study of the planar rocking-block dynamics with  Coulomb friction: Critical kinetic angles”,  ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, vol.8, no 2, 021002, April 2013.
65.B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, “Existence, uniqueness of solutions and stability of nonsmooth  multivalued Lur’e dynamical systems”, Journal of Convex Analysis, vol.20, no 3, pp.881-900, 2013.   pdf
64.S. Adly, B. Brogliato, B.K. Le, “Well-posedness, robustness and stability analysis of a set-valued controller for Lagrangian systems”, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol.51, no 2, pp.1592-1614, 2013.    
63.C. Liu, H. Zhang, Z. Zhen, B. Brogliato,  “ Impact/contact dynamics in a disc-ball system”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol.469, 20120741,  April 2013.
62.B. Brogliato, “Inertial couplings between unilateral and bilateral holonomic constraints in frictionless lagrangian systems”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.29, no 3, pp.289-325, March 2013.  pdf
61.N.S. Nguyen, B. Brogliato, “Shock dynamics in granular chains: numerical simulations and comparisons with experimental tests”,  Granular Matter, vol.14, no 3, pp.341-362, May 2012.  pdf
60.V. Acary, B. Brogliato, Y. Orlov, “Chattering-free digital sliding-mode control with state observer and disturbance rejection”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.57, no 5, pp.1087-1101, May 2012, regular paper.   pdf
59.B. Brogliato, H. Zhang, C. Liu, “Analysis of a  generalized kinematic impact law for multibody-multicontact systems, with application to the planar rocking block and chains of balls”, Multibody System Dynamics, vol.27, no 3, pp.351-382, March 2012.  pdf
58.C. Georgescu, B. Brogliato, V. Acary, “Switching, relay and complementarity systems: a tutorial on their well-posedness and relationships”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, special issue on Nonsmooth Systems (guest editor O. Makarenkov), vol.241, pp.1985-2002, 2012.   Invited paper
57.B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, “Well-posedness, stability, and invariance results for a class of multivalued Lur’e dynamical systems”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol.74, pp.195-212, 2011.   pdf
56.K. Addi, B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, “A qualitative mathematical analysis of a class of linear variational inequalities via semi-complementarity problems. Applications in electronics”, Mathematical Programming A, vol.126, no 1, pp.31-67, January 2011.  pdf
55.W.P.M.H. Heemels, M.K. Camlibel, J.M. Schumacher, B. Brogliato, “Observer-based control of linear complementarity systems”, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, special issue on Hybrid Systems, vol.21, no 10, pp.1193-1218, July 2011. pdf
54.V. Acary, O. Bonnefon, B. Brogliato, “Time-stepping numerical simulation of switched circuits with the nonsmooth dynamical systems approach”, IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design for Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol.29, no 7, pp.1042-1055, July 2010.   pdf    regular paper
53.B. Brogliato, L. Thibault, “Existence and uniqueness of solutions for non-autonomous complementarity dynamical systems”, Journal of Convex Analysis (special issue in the honor of E. Attouch’s 60th birthday), vol.17, no 3-4, pp.961-990, 2010.   pdf    invited paper
52.V. Acary, B. Brogliato, “Implicit Euler numerical scheme and chattering-free implementation of sliding mode systems”, Systems and Control Letters, vol.59, pp.284-293, 2010.  pdf
51.C.I. Morarescu, B. Brogliato, 2010 “Passivity-based switching control of flexible-joint complementarity mechanical systems”, Automatica, vol.46, no 1, pp.160-166, January.   pdf
50.C.I. Morarescu, B. Brogliato, 2010 “Trajectory tracking control of multiconstraint complementarity Lagrangian systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.55, no 6, pp.1300-1313, June 2010. pdf   regular paper
49.B. Brogliato, W.P.M.H. Heemels, 2009 “Observer design for Lur’e systems with multivalued mappings: a passivity approach”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.54, no 8, pp.1996-2001, August.  pdf
48.Z. Zhao, C. Liu, B. Brogliato, 2009 “Planar dynamics of a rigid body system with frictional impacts. II. Qualitative analysis and numerical simulations”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol.465, no 2107, pp. 2267-2292, July.  pdf
47.C. Liu, Z. Zhao, B. Brogliato, 2009 “Frictionless multiple impacts in multibody systems: Part II. Numerical algorithm and simulation results”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol.465, no 2101, pp.1-23, January.  pdf
46.B. Brogliato, 2009 “Some results on the optimal control with unilateral state constraints”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol.70, 15 May, pp.3626-3657.  pdf
45.V. Acary, B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, 2008 “Higher order Moreau’s sweeping process: Mathematical formulation and numerical simulation”, Mathematical Programming A, vol.113, pp.133-217.  pdf
44.C. Liu, Z. Zhao, B. Brogliato, 2008 “Frictionless multiple impacts in multibody systems: Part I. Theoretical framework”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol.464, no 2100, pp.3193-3211, December.  pdf
43.C. Liu, Z. Zhao, B. Brogliato, 2008 “Energy dissipation and dispersion effects in a granular media”, Physical Review E, vol.78, no 3, 031307, September.   pdf
42.B. Brogliato, Review of the book “Piecewise-smooth Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications” by M. di Bernardo et al, Springer Verlag, 2008; IEEE Control System, vol.5, pp.141-143, October 2008.
41.B. Brogliato, 2007 “Comment on “Control of a Planar Underactuated Biped on a Complete Walking Cycle” ”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.52, no 5, pp.961-964, May.  pdf
40.K. Addi, S. Adly, B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, 2007 “A method using the appproach of Moreau and Panagiotopoulos for the mathematical formulation of non-regular circuits in electronics”, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol.1, no 1, pp.30-43.  pdf
39.B. Brogliato, A. Daniilidis, C. Lemarechal, V. Acary, 2006 “On the equivalence between complementarity systems, projected systems and  differential inclusions”, Systems and Control Letters, vol.55, pp.45-51, January.  pdf
38.B. Brogliato, M. Mabrouk, A. Zavala Rio, 2006  “On the controllability of linear juggling mechanical systems”, Systems and Control Letters, vol.55, no 4, pp.350-367, April.  pdf
37.B. Brogliato, D. Goeleven, 2005 “The Krakovskii-LaSalle invariance principle for a class of unilateral dynamical systems”, Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, vol.17, pp.57-76.  pdf
36.D. Goeleven, B. Brogliato, 2005 “Necessary conditions of asymptotic stability for unilateral dynamical systems”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol.61, no 6, pp.961-1004. pdf
35.J.M. Bourgeot, B. Brogliato, 2005 “Tracking control of Lagrangian complementarity systems”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, special issue on Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems (Associate Editor: J. Awrejwicz), vol.15, no 6, pp.1839-1866, June.  invited paper
34.B. Brogliato, 2005 “Some results on the controllability of planar evolution variational inequalities”, Systems and Control Letters, vol.54, no 1, pp.65-71, January.  pdf
33.B. Brogliato, 2004 “Absolute stability and the Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem with monotone multivalued mappings”, Systems and Control Letters, vol.51, no 5, pp.343-353, April.   pdf
32.D. Goeleven, B. Brogliato, 2004 “Stability and instability matrices for linear evolution variational inequalities”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.49, no 4, pp.521-534, April.   pdf   regular paper
31.Y. Hurmuzlu, F. Genot, B. Brogliato, 2004 “Modelling, stability and control of biped robots — A general framework”, Automatica, vol.40, no 10, pp.1647-1664, October. regular paper   pdf
30.B. Brogliato, 2003 “Some perspectives on the analysis and control of complementarity systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.48, no 6, pp.918-935.   pdf   regular paper
29.J.C. Avila-Vilchis, B. Brogliato, R. Dzul, R. Lozano, 2003 “Nonlinear modelling and control of helicopters”, Automatica, vol.39, no 9, September, pp.1583-1596.  regular paper
28.M. Mata-Jimenez, B. Brogliato, 2003 “Analysis of PD and nonlinear control of mechanical systems with dynamic backlash”, Journal of Vibration  and Control,  vol.9, no 1, January, pp.119-156.  pdf  invited paper
27.W.P.M.H. Heemels, B. Brogliato, 2003 “The complementarity class of hybrid dynamical systems”, European Journal of Control, special issue, vol.9, pp.311-349.   invited paper
26.R. Leine, B. Brogliato, H. Nijmeijer, “Periodic motion and bifurcations induced by the Painleve’ paradox”, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2002, vol.21, no 5, pp.869-896.  pdf
25.B. Brogliato,  A.A. ten Dam,  L. Paoli, F. Ge’not, M. Abadie, “Numerical simulation of finite dimensional multibody nonsmooth mechanical systems”,  ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol.55, no 2, March 2002, pp.107-150.  pdf   invited paper
24.A. Zavala, B. Brogliato, 2001 “Direct adaptive control of a one degree-of-freedom complementary-slackness juggler”, Automatica, vol.37, no 7, pp.1117-1123.  pdf
23.B. Brogliato, “On the control of nonsmooth complementarity dynamical systems”,  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series A (Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences), special issue Non-smooth Mechanics, vol.359, no 1789, Issue 15th December 2001, pp.2369-2384.  invited paper
22.B. Brogliato, S.I. Niculescu, M. Monteiro-Marques, 2000 “On tracking control of a class of complementary-slackness hybrid mechanical systems”, Systems and Control Letters, vol.39, no 4, pp.255-266, March.
21.B. Brogliato, A. Zavala-Rio, “On the control of complementary-slackness mechanical juggling systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.45, no 2, pp.235-246, February 2000.   regular paper   pdf
20.F. Genot, B. Brogliato, “New results on Painleve’ paradoxes”, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, vol.18, pp.653-678, 1999.  pdf
(quote from Cheesman et al, SIAM Applied Dyn. Systems, 21(3) 2022:  The theoretical study of Painlevé paradoxes in 2D received a great boost with the work by Génot and Brogliato )
19.L. Villani, C. Canudas, B. Brogliato, “An exponentially stable adaptive force/position controller for robot manipulators”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.44, no 4, pp. 798-802, 1999.   
18.A. Zavala-Rio, B. Brogliato, “On the  control of a one degree-of-freedom juggling robot”,  Dynamics and Control, vol.9, pp.67-90, January 1999.  pdf
17.S.I. Niculescu, B. Brogliato, “On force measurement time-delay in control of constrained manipulators”,  European Journal of Control, vol.5, pp.279-289, 1999.  pdf
16.B. Brogliato, D. Rey, A. Pastore,  J. Barnier, “Experimental comparison of nonlinear controllers for flexible joint manipulators”, Int. J. of Robotics Research, vol.17, no 3, pp.260-281, March 1998.  pdf
15.B. Brogliato, P. Orhant, “Contact stability analysis of a one degree-of-freedom robot”,  Dynamics and Control, vol.8, no 1, pp.37-53, January 1998.  pdf
14.B. Brogliato, S. Niculescu, P. Orhant, “On the control of finite-dimensional mechanical systems with unilateral constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.42, no 2, pp.200-215, February 1997.  pdf regular paper
13.C. Canudas, B. Brogliato, “Direct adaptive impedance control”, Automatica, vol.33, no 4, pp.643-649, 1997.
12.B. Brogliato, R. Lozano, “Correction to “Adaptive control of robot manipulators with flexible joints” “, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.41, no 6, pp.920-922, June 1996.  pdf
11.B. Brogliato, R. Ortega, R.Lozano, “Globally stable nonlinear controllers for flexible joint manipulators: a comparative study”, Automatica, vol. 31, no 7, pp.941-956, July 1995.   pdf    regular paper
10.B. Brogliato, A. Trofino, “Practical stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with partially known uncertainties”, Automatica, vol.31, no 1, pp.145-151, January 1995. pdf
9.B. Brogliato, R. Lozano, “Adaptive control of first order nonlinear systems with reduced knowledge of the plant parameters”,  IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.39, no 8, pp.1764-1768, August 1994.  pdf
8.B. Brogliato, R. Lozano, I.D. Landau, “New relationships between Lyapunov functions and the passivity theorem”, Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol.7, pp.353-365, 1993.
7.R. Lozano, B. Brogliato, “Adaptive control of robot manipulators with flexible joints”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.37, no 2, pp.174-181, February 1992.  regular paper  pdf   (correction in  pdf ) (backstepping was also introduced in this article, almost at the same time as it was by Kokotovic’s team)
6.Lozano R., B. Brogliato, “Adaptive control of a simple nonlinear system without a priori information on the plant parameters”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.37, no 1, pp.30-37, January 1992. regular paper  pdf
5.R. Lozano, B. Brogliato, “Adaptive hybrid force/position control for redundant manipulators”, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.37, no 10, pp.1501-1505, October 1992.   pdf
4.B. Brogliato, R. Lozano, “Passive least-squares type estimation algorithm for direct adaptive control”, Int. J. of Adaptive Control and signal processing, vol.6, no 1, pp.35-44, January 1992.
3.B. Brogliato, A. Trofino, R. Lozano, “Robust adaptive control of a class of first order nonlinear systems”, Automatica, vol.28, no 4, pp.795-801, July 1992.
2.Lozano R., B. Brogliato, I.D. Landau, “Passivity and global stabilization of cascaded nonlinear systems”, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.37, no 9, pp.1386-1388, September 1992.  pdf
1.B. Brogliato, I.D. Landau, R. Lozano, “Adaptive motion control of robot manipulators: a unified approach based on passivity”, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.1, no 3, pp.187-202, July-September 1991. pdf


1. N.S. Nguyen, B. Brogliato, Multiple Impacts in Dissipative Granular Chains, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics vol.72, 2014. Springer    
2. V. Acary, O. Bonnefon, B. Brogliato, Nonsmooth Modelling and Simulation for Switched Circuits, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.69, 2010.  Erratum/Addendum     Springer
3. V. Acary, B. Brogliato, Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems. Applications in Mechanics and Electronics, 2008, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics vol.35, 525 + xx pages.   Springer    
4-3. B. Brogliato, Nonsmooth Mechanics. Models, Dynamics and Control, Springer Verlag, Communications and Control Engineering Series, third edition, 629 + xxii pages, 2016.   Springer   Erratum/Addendum
4-2. B. Brogliato, Nonsmooth Mechanics. Models, Dynamics and Control, Springer Verlag, Communications and Control Engineering Series, second edition, 552 + xx pages, 1999.
4-1. B. Brogliato, Nonsmooth Impact Mechanics. Models, Dynamics and Control, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 220, first edition, 400 + xv pages, 1996.
5-3. B. Brogliato, R. Lozano,  B. Maschke, O. Egeland, Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control. Theory and Applications, Springer International Publishing, Communications and Control Engineering Series, third edition, 711 + xvii pages, 2020.  corrected version available online      Springer  Erratum/Addendum
5-2. B. Brogliato, R. Lozano,  B. Maschke, O. Egeland, Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control. Theory and Applications, Springer Verlag, Communications and Control Engineering Series, second edition,  576 + xiv pages, 2007. Erratum/Addendum
5-1. R. Lozano, B. Brogliato, O. Egeland, B. Maschke, Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control. Theory and Applications,  Springer Verlag, Communications and Control Engineering Series, first edition, 377 + xi pages, 2000.

Edited Book:

B. Brogliato (Editor), Impacts in Mechanical Systems. Analysis and Modelling, Lecture Notes in Physics 551, Springer Verlag, 2000.   Springer  

Book Chapters (invited):

B. Brogliato, Multiple-impact modeling in multibody systems. In  Handbook on Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibrations and Acoustics; Volume 1: Nonlinear Dynamics and Vibrations: Fundamental Concepts and Analytical Methods, World Scientific Publising, A.F. Vakakis and O. Gendelman (Eds.)
Mojallizadeh, M.R., Brogliato, B., Effect of Euler explicit and implicit time discretizations on variable-structure differentiators. In: Oliveira, T.R., Fridman, L., Hsu, L. (eds) Sliding-Mode Control and Variable-Structure Systems. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 490. Springer, Cham, pp.165-180, 2023.
O. Huber, B. Brogliato, V. Acary, A. Boubakir, F. Plestan, B. Wang, “Experimental results on implicit and explicit time-discretization of equivalent control-based sliding mode control”, in Recent Trends in Sliding Mode Control (L. Fridman, J.P. Barbot, F. Plestan, Editors), IET Control, Robotics and Sensors Series vol.102, pp.207-235, 2016.   pdf
N.S. Nguyen, B. Brogliato, ”Comparisons of multiple-impact laws for multibody systems: Moreau’s law, binary impacts, and the LZB approach”, in Advanced Topics in Nonsmooth Mechanics, Transactions of the European network for Nonsmooth Dynamics (R. Leine, V. Acary, O. Bruls, Editors), Springer Int. publishing AG, pp.1-46, 2018.  pdf
B. Brogliato, “On dynamics and feedback control of nonsmooth mechanical systems”, in Modelling and Control of Mechanisms and Robots (C. Melchiorri, A. Tornambe, Eds), World Scientific, 1996, pp. 185-226.

Supervised Ph.D. and post-doc students

I supervised and co-supervised 22 Ph.D. students, 13 post-doc and about 25 masters:
Pascal  Orhant (PhD, 1991-1994), Arturo  Zavala-Rio (PhD, 1994-1997), Marco Mata-Jimenez (PhD, 1995-1998), Alessandro Pastore (PhD, 1994-1997, with A. Tornambe), Franck Genot (PhD, 1995-1998, with B. Espiau), Juan Carlos Avila Vilchis (PhD,1997-2001), Vincent Acary  (post-doc, 2001-2003), Remco Leine (post-doc, 2001), Jean Matthieu Bourgeot (PhD, 2001-2004), Said Hadd (post-doc, 2006), Constantin Morarescu (post-doc, 2007-2008), Carmina Georgescu (post-doc, 2009-2011), Hongjian Zhang (PhD, 2010-2011, with C. Liu), Nguyen Ngoc Son (post-doc, 2010-2013), Scott Greenhalgh (PhD, 2010-2011, with V. Acary), Ba Khiet Le (PhD, 2010-2013, with S. Adly), Olivier Huber (PhD, 2011-2015, with V. Acary), Aneel Tanwani (post-doc, 2011-2013, with C. Prieur), Mounia Haddouni (PhD, 2012-2015, with V. Acary), Bin Wang, (post-doc, 2012-2013), Narendra Akhadkar (PhD, 2013-2016, with V. Acary), Alejandro Blumentals (PhD, 2013-2017, with F. Bertails), Felix Miranda-Villatoro (PhD, 2015-2016, with F. Castanos), Alexandre Vieira (PhD, 2015-2018, with C. Prieur), Kirill Vorotnikov (post-doc, 2017-2018, with G. James), Alexandre Rocca (post-doc, 2018-2020, with V. Acary), Rasool Mojallizadeh (post-doc, 2019-2020), Abhishek Chatterjee (post-doc, 2020-2021, with G. James), Rasool Mojallizadeh (post-doc, 2020-2023, with C. Prieur), Aya Younes (PhD, 2021-2024, with F. Miranda-Villatoro), Quang Hung Pham (PhD, 2022-2025, with F. Miranda-Villatoro).

Coordinated Projects

European project FP5 SICONOS, 2003/2006  siconos; ANR project Multiple Impacts MultipleImpact; ANR Project ChaSlim ChaSlim; ANR project DigitSlid Digitslid.



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