The TRIPOP team (2018- ) is a joint research team of Inria Grenoble Rhone-Alpes and of the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (LJK). This team is a follow up of the BIPOP team (2003–2017). The team is mainly concerned with the modeling, the mathematical analysis, the simulation and the control of nonsmooth dynamical systems, with a strong application to modeling natural environmental risks in mountains.
Research directions
For the period 2022-2025, the team is organized along two research axes: 1) nonsmooth simulation and numerical modeling for natural gravitational risks in the mountains and 2) modeling, simulation and control of nonsmooth dynamical systems. The idea of this restructuring is to put forward a strong application axis for which there is a strong academic research dynamic in the Grenoble region and a network of socio-economic actors very interested in an industrial transfer of digital science methods on these subjects. The second axis takes up the main themes of the former axes of the TRIPOP project by updating them after the first four years.
- Axis 1: Nonsmooth simulation and numerical modeling for natural gravitational risk in mountains.
- Rockfall trajectory modeling
- Modeling and simulation of gravity hazards
- (debris flows, avalanches and large-scale rock flows)
- Data-driven modelling for prediction and mitigation of gravity hazards
- Axis 2: Modeling, simulation and control of non-smooth dynamical systems
- Modeling, analysis and numerical method.
- Multibody vibro-impact systems
- Systemic risk
- Cyber-physical systems (hybrid systems)
- Numerical optimization for discrete nonsmooth problems
- Automatic Control
- Discrete-time Sliding-Mode Control (SMC) and State Observers (SMSO)
- Control of nonsmooth discrete Lagrangian systems
- Switching LCS and DAEs
- Modeling, analysis and numerical method.