- GoCoPP (Finding Good Configurations of Planar Primitives, CVPR2022)
- Plane-based 3D data registration (BMVC 2021)
- Asip (Approximating Shapes in Images with Polygons, CVPR2020)
- Delaunay Point Processs (PAMI2020)
- KSR (Kinetic Shape Reconstruction, TOG2020)
- Kippi (KInetic Polygonal Partitioning of Images, CVPR2018)
- Line drawing vectorization (SIGGRAPH 2016)
- Varane (Image Partitioning into Polygons by Voronoi, CVPR 2015)
- Spred (Structure-Aware Mesh Decimation, CGF 2015)
- Kazoe (Monte Carlo Sampler in Parallel, IJCV 2014)
- Structuring (Hybrid surface Reconstruction, Eurographics 2013)
- Noise Adaptive Shape Reconstruction (SGP 2013)
- Inria Aerial Image Labeling Dataset
- Visionair repository
- KSR42 dataset (42 challenging point clouds to reconstruct, TOG2020)
- RoofSat dataset