
This is the website of Inria team-project named Scool.

Scool was created on November 1st, 2020. Scool is the follow-up of SequeL.

In a nutshell, the research topic of Scool is the study of the sequential decision making problem under uncertainty. Most of our activities are related to either bandit problems, or reinforcement learning problems. Through collaborations, we are working on their application in various fields, mainly: health, agriculture and ecology, sustainable development. See our Projects page for more information.

Scool is constantly looking for people to hire: post-docs, engineers, permanent researchers, Ph.D. students. See our Job offers for more information.

Recent news:

More news on our News page.

A picture of some Scool members in March 2023, just outside the Inria building, Lille, France.

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