This page contains:
- Nov. 26th: Achraf Azize defends his Ph.D.
- We organize the Worskhop on Interpretable Policies in Reinforcement Learning (InterpPol) at the Reinforcement Learning Conference, Amherst, Aug. 2024.
- We organize the ICML Workshop on Advancing Neural Network Training (WANT): Computational Efficiency, Scalability, and Resource Optimization
- June 14th: Marc Jourdan defends his Ph.D.
- Feb.: Émilie Kaufmann is awarded the bronze medal from CNRS. This medal is an important form of recognition for the men and women who make science progress.
- Jan 30th: Patrick Saux defends his Ph.D.
- Dec 16th: Alena co-organizes a NeurIPS workshop on “Advancing Neural Network Training (WANT): Computational Efficiency, Scalability, and Resource Optimization”.
- Dec 4th: Fabien Pesquerel defends his PhD.
- Aug 20th: Debabrota gives a tutorial at IJCAI 2023 on “Auditing Bias of Machine Learning Algorithms: Tools and Overview“
- 1 ANR JCJC project has been accepted in 2023 and will start in early 2024:
- NeuRL (Neuro-Incremental Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences) headed by Riad Akrour.
- Riad’s Inria exploratory action AuDaCiTi (Autonomous Data Collection and Labelling Through Interaction) has been selected in May 2023.
- June 15th, 2023: Nathan Grinsztajn defends his PhD.
- Apr 14th, 2023: Reda Ouhamma defends his PhD.
- Dec 19th, 2022: Hassan Saber defends his PhD.
- Dec 14th, 2022: Léonard Hussenot defends his PhD.
- Dec 9th, 2022: Romain Gautron defends his PhD.
- Dec 8th, 2022: Sarah Perrin defends her PhD.
- Dec 6th, 2022: Dorian Baudry defends his PhD.
- Nov. 2022: Scool presents 6 papers at NeurIPS.
- Sep 9th, 2022: Clémence Reda defends her PhD.
- July 6th, 2022: Jean Tarbouriech defends his PhD.
- July 4th, 2022: Johan Ferret defends his PhD.
- 3 ANRs project have been accepted: 2 young researchers projects (FATE by Rémy, REPUBLIC by Debabrota) and 1 collaborative project (Philippe).
- We co-organize the “complex feedback in online learning” workshop at ICML, to be held in July.
- May 25th, 2022: Pierre Schegg defends his PhD.
- Mar 18th, 2022: Omar Darwiche Domingues defends his PhD.
- Mar 17th, 2022: Members of Scool and Magnet teams are organizing “Fairness in Machine Learning Day” on 17th or March, 2022 at Amphi B of Inria Lille. Check this link for details.
- Feb 2022: Scool presents 4 papers at AAAI 2022
- Oct. 2021: About the RAID project: read on the Inria website
- Scool presents 9 papers at NeurIPS 2021: see you there
- 3 PhD defenses Fall 2021:
- May 2021: we present 4 papers at ICLR, and some more papers at satellite workshops.
- April 2021: we present 3 papers at AI & Stats.
- March 2021: Édouard Leurent, last SequeL PhD student, is awarded with the best PhD thesis price of the GdR MACS and by the “Section Automatique du Club EEA”, on CNRS website.
- February 2021: Scool presents a paper in AAAI 2021 aiming to verify different fairness metrics of machine learning algorithms.
- January 2021: first release of the RL-berry: A Reinforcement Learning Library for Research and Education, an easy to use RL software library with the implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms.
- Philippe Preux and Odalric-Ambrym Maillard are granted an “AI chair” named Apprenf funded by I-Site ULNE, Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL), ANR, Université de Lille, Inria. This chair will end in September 2023. The goal is to financially support their research activities in reinforcement learning.
- 15 December 2020: Julien Seznec defends his PhD.
- Join us at virtual NeurIPS: Scool presents 7 papers, one with a plenary talk.
- 30 November 2020: Pierre Perrault defends his PhD.
- 13 November 2020: Émilie Kaufmann defends her HDR.
- 1 November 2020: birth of Scool.