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Opencloudware Program FSN, labelled by Minalogic, Systematic and SCS

  • Coordinator: France-Telecom Research
  • Others partners: ActiveEon, Armines, Bull, eNovance, eXo Platform, France Telecom (coordinator), Inria, IRIT – INP Toulouse, Linagora, OW2, Peergreen, Télécom Paris Tech, Télécom Saint Etienne, Thales Communications, Thales Services, Université Joseph Fourier, Université de Savoie – LISTIC, UShareSoft
  • Description: The OpenCloudware project aims at building an open software engineering platform for the collaborative development of distributed applications to be deployed on multiple Cloud infrastructures.The results of OpenCloudware will contain a set of software components to manage the lifecycle of such applications, from modelling (Think), developing and building images (Build), to a multi- IaaS compliant PaaS platform (Run) for their deployment, orchestration, performance testing, self- management (elasticity, green IT optimisation), and provisioning. Applications will be deployed potentially on multi IaaS (supporting either one IaaS at a time, or hybrid scenarios).The results of the project will be made available as open source components through the OW2 Open Source
  • Start: January 2012
  • End: December 2014

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