The HUMAVIPS project (2010-2013)

The PERCEPTION team has recently completed the EU ICT-FP7 STREP project HUMAVIPS ( HUMAVIPS (Humanoids with Audio and Visual Abilities in Populated Spaces) was a three year project coordinated by Radu Horaud and composed of the following partners: INRIA, Cech Technical University, Aldebaran Robotics, Bielefeld University, and IDIAP.

The objective of HUMAVIPS has been to endow humanoid robots with audiovisual (AV) abilities: exploration, recognition, and interaction, such that they exhibit adequate behavior when dealing with a group of people. Developed research and technological developments have emphasized the role played by multimodal perception within principled models of human-robot interaction and of humanoid behavior. An adequate architecture  has implemented auditory and visual skills onto a fully programmable humanoid robot (the consumer robot NAO). A free and open-source software platform has been developed to foster dissemination and to ensure exploitation of the outcomes of  HUMAVIPS beyond its lifetime.

Among others, HUMAVIPS researchers were awarded two best paper prizes at ACM/IEEE ICMI’11 and ICMI’12 and published over twenty papers in high-impact journals and conferences.

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