IEEE ICIP’15: Best Student Paper Award!

Vincent Drouard (PhD student) and his co-authors received the “Best Student Paper Award” (second place) at IEEE ICIP’15 for the paper Head Pose Estimation via High-Dimensional Regression. The conference took place in Quebec City, Canada, September 2015. There were five papers awarded, two “Best Paper” and three “Best Student Paper” out of a total of 1033 (oral and poster) papers presented at the conference. For more information please visit the ICIP’15 Awards page. IEEE ICIP is the premier international image processing conference series held every year. The work is funded by the ERC Advanced Grant VHIA.

Download Vincent’s slides. Congratulations Vincent!


Vincent Drouard receives an ICIP'15 best student paper award from Lena

Vincent Drouard receives an ICIP’15 best student paper award from Lena

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