IEEE ICIP’15: Best Student Paper Award!

Vincent Drouard (PhD student) and his co-authors received the “Best Student Paper Award” (second place) at IEEE ICIP’15 for the paper Head Pose Estimation via High-Dimensional Regression. The conference took place in Quebec City, Canada, September 2015. There were five papers awarded, two “Best Paper” and three “Best Student Paper” out of…

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Accepted Demonstration at ACM ICMI’15

The PERCEPTION team will be present at ACM ICMI’15 (November 2015,Seattle WA, USA) with the demonstration “A Distributed Architecture for Interacting with NAO“. The distributed architecture is available under the NAOLab open-source software package. The development of NAOLab is part of PERCEPTION’s participation in EU FP7 projects and is funded…

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March 2015: Two papers in International Journal of Computer Vision

Two papers by PERCEPTION team members appeared this month in the International Journal of Computer Vision (volume 112, issue 1, March 2015): Robust Temporally Coherent Laplacian Protrusion Segmentation of 3D Articulated Bodies Fabio Cuzzolin, Diana Mateus, Radu Horaud International Journal of Computer Vision, 2015, 112 (1), pp.43-70. <10.1007/s11263-014-0754-0>   Continuous Action…

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January 2015: two accepted papers

Two papers just accepted for publications in IEEE TPAMI and IEEE TASLP: Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling Georgios Evangelidis, Miles Hansard, Radu Horaud IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015, pp.14. <>. <10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2400465>   Co-Localization of Audio Sources in…

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Antoine Deleforge Received the “Signal, Image, Vision” Best PhD Thesis Award!

Antoine Deleforge, Master and Ph.D student in the PERCEPTION team (2009-2013) received the 2014 “Signal, Image, Vision” best PhD thesis award for his thesis entitled “Acoustic Space Mapping: A Machine Learning Approach to Sound Source Separation and Localization”. For more information about Antoine’s work, please click here. Since January 2014 Antoine…

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IEEE MMSP’13: Best Paper Award!

The article “Alignment of Binocular-Binaural Data Using a Moving Audio-Visual Target” received the “Best Paper Award” at the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP’13), Pula, Italy, September-October 2013. The paper is authored by Vasil Khalidov (IDIAP), and co-authored by Radu Horaud (INRIA) and Florence Forbes (INRIA). The paper addresses…

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