Spectral Matching

SpecMatch is an open-source software (OSS) package that performs graph matching using Laplacian embedding followed by point registration. Software developed by Diana Mateus, Avinash Sharma, David Knossow and Radu Horaud. The code can be downloaded from this page: http://open-specmatch.gforge.inria.fr/ Publications: Avinash Sharma, Radu Horaud, Diana Mateus. 3D Shape Registration Using Spectral Graph…

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March 2015: Two papers in International Journal of Computer Vision

Two papers by PERCEPTION team members appeared this month in the International Journal of Computer Vision (volume 112, issue 1, March 2015): Robust Temporally Coherent Laplacian Protrusion Segmentation of 3D Articulated Bodies Fabio Cuzzolin, Diana Mateus, Radu Horaud International Journal of Computer Vision, 2015, 112 (1), pp.43-70. <10.1007/s11263-014-0754-0>   Continuous Action…

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January 2015: two accepted papers

Two papers just accepted for publications in IEEE TPAMI and IEEE TASLP: Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling Georgios Evangelidis, Miles Hansard, Radu Horaud IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015, pp.14. <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7031946>. <10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2400465>   Co-Localization of Audio Sources in…

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(Closed) Ingénieur Informatique et Robotique

Offre d’emploi CDD : ingénieur expert de développement en informatique et robotique Prise de fonction : janvier/février 2015  Dans le cadre d’une collaboration européenne pluriannuelle, l’équipe PERCEPTION (https://team.inria.fr/robotlearn), du centre de recherche INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes situé à Montbonnot Saint-Martin, recrute un ingénieur expert de développement en informatique et robotique. Mission…

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