Univariate Radial Basis Function Layers: Brain-inspired Deep Neural Layers for Low-Dimensional Inputs

by Daniel Jost, Basavasagar Patil, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, and Chris Reinke [preprint] | [code] Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) became the standard tool for function approximation with most of the introduced architectures being developed for high-dimensional input data. However, many real-world problems have low-dimensional inputs for which the standard Multi-Layer Perceptron…

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Successor Feature Representations

by Chris Reinke and Xavier Alameda-Pineda Transactions on Machine Learning Research [Paper][Code] Abstract. Transfer in Reinforcement Learning aims to improve learning performance on target tasks using knowledge from experienced source tasks. Successor features (SF) are a prominent transfer mechanism in domains where the reward function changes between tasks. They reevaluate…

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[Closed] Master Internship on Automated Discovery of Moving Lifeforms in Celluar Automata using Deep Neural Networks

Project We are surrounded by dynamic and complex systems ranging from the formation process of galaxies to production systems, such as for the synthesis of medical drugs. Exploring these systems in simulation or by experiment helps us to understand them and to discover new and interesting behaviors and outcomes. This…

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[Closed] Master Internship on Meta and Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Social Robotics

Project The internship is part of our research project into Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) [1,2] for the  European SPRING project [3]. SPRING aims to develop control mechanisms for humanoid robots [4] that will be employed in health care environments. The robots should communicate with patients, their families, and caretakers to…

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[Closed] Master Internship on Meta and Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Robotics

Topic: The internship is part of our research project into Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) [1] for the European SPRING project. SPRING aims to develop control mechanisms for mobile robots that will be employed in hospitals and health care environments. The robots should communicate with elderly people, their families and caretakers…

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