Equipex Robotex

Equipex Robotex


The national network of robotics platforms


Project description

The French government has decided to invest over 2 years 10 million Euro for equipment of national research platforms in various domains of robotics (investissements d’avenir).

This national network of platforms is called ROBOTEX. The main goal of the ROBOTEX is to setup coherent infrastructures of technical equipments in order to :

  • Promote scientific exchange and development of collaborative work between academic research teams, companies and end- users, and provide durable and reusable expertise and know–how,
  • Give researchers high-level equipments with a facilitated access,
  • Increase the visibility of the French robotics academic research and its international impact. It particularly concerns the strengthening of its European scientific leadership, and the increase of collaborative works with leading European countries as well as at an international level,
  • Boost the competitiveness of French companies and open new markets based on robotic technologies.

The experimental platforms of the ROBOTEX national network mostly belong to joint CNRS-university laboratories with strong research and development activities in robotics, and having the necessary human resources to give access and provide optimal exploitation of the platforms. This national network links together most of the leading academic robotics research teams in France.


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