Category: Seminars Webinar on Reproducible Research (Episode VIII): Artifact evaluation in computer systems' conferences (Grigori Fursin)

Webinar on Reproducible Research (Episode VIII): Artifact evaluation in computer systems' conferences (Grigori Fursin)

March 14, 2017

To improve our practice in terms of reproducible research, we organize a series of webinars where we share our experience and thoughts and on those different themes. The next webinar will be given by Grigori Fursin (Dividiti, cTuning Foundation) "Artifact evaluation in computer systems' conferences". In computer science (but also in computational science), research claims are often based on digital artifacts (computer programs along with their environment, data sets and meta information). Allowing reviewers to evaluate such artifacts and others researchers to inspect and possibly reuse such artifacts is essential to improve both the faith in research claims and the capability to build on previous work.

In this webinar, Grigori Fursin will present his experience with Artifact Evaluation at computer systems' conferences. He will expose encountered problems, solutions, future initiatives and supporting frameworks.

All the information are gathered here:

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