Team presentation
The study of biology associates pattern recognition of diversity with modeling of functional and evolutionary processes. Pleiade addresses the triple challenge of building compact representations of dissimilarities measured between biological objects, exploring the relations between diversity in traits and diversity in function at multiple scales, and integrating these relations into numerical and discrete models. We refine geometric methods for compactly representing genomic and taxonomic diversity. We promote the view that metabolic models compactly represent functional diversity, at the scale of organisms or of communities of organisms. Pleiade develops and disseminates algorithms, models, and software frameworks for applications in ecology, evolution, and biotechnology.
Research themes
- Distances and pattern recognition
- Hierarchical hybrid modeling
- Genome- and community-scale metabolic modeling
- E-science
- Genome and transcriptome annotation
- Molecular-based systematics and taxonomy
- Community ecology and population genetics
- Agroecology
- Human health
International and industrial relations
- Labex CEBA (Center for the study of biodiversity in Amazonia)
- Institut Pasteur in Cayenne (virome diversity and metacommunities)
- Institut des Sciences du Vigne et du Vin U. Bordeaux & BioLaffort (selection and genomics of oenological starters)
- Quadram Institute Bioscience & Earlham Institute, UK (meta-analyses of metagenomic cohorts for the human gut microbiota)
- INRAE BFP, STLO, MaIAGE, SAVE, Micalis, IEES (applications and methodological development)
- Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (agroecology & plant microbiome modeling)
- CRG/DIM University of Chile (hybrid modeling)
- University of Potsdam (answer set programming and combinatorial problem solving)
- Station Biologique de Roscoff (algae applications)
- SLU Uppsala (lake ecosystems, metagenomics of diatoms, bioindication)
- CEA (bio-inspired digital sensors)
- U. Besançon & U. Orléans (fluidic environment of gut microbiota)
- U. Paris-Saclay & U. Evry (machine learning)
- Inria Bretagne Atlantique (systems biology and systems ecology)
- Biomathematica
- Ysopia Bioscience