Jérôme-Alexis Chevalier

I started my Ph.D. in October 2017, working under the supervision of Bertrand Thirion (Inria, Parietal team) and Joseph Salmon (Telecom ParisTech, IDS department).

During my PhD, I notably worked on the HiDimStat project that aims at handling uncertainty in the challenging context of high dimensional regression problem. To tackle this problem, we decided to leverage recent developments in sparse convex solvers as well as more efficient reformulations of testing and confidence interval estimates to provide several communities with practical software handling uncertainty quantification. Specific validation experiments are performed in the field of brain imaging (fMRI, MEG).

You can check my personal web page at https://ja-che.github.io/ and try the Python package we have developed for high-dimensional inference by visiting the associated web page at https://ja-che.github.io/hidimstat/, it contains several demo examples that demonstrate the strength of our methods.

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