BrainPedia is 4-year project that aims at building a knowledge-based analysis system for functional neuroimaging. It will be performed in the Neurospin neuroimaging centre by researchers of the Parietal project team (INRIA Saclay-Île-de-France). Based on multi-protocol brain image data, BrainPedia will be built upon various data processing tools to infer models of the spatial structure of brain activity and to compute templates of brain functional organization. It will contain a database to host all the protocols, image processing and algorithmic routines organized in processing pipelines, statistical inference tools and a user interface to allow users to submit queries to the system about brain functional anatomy.
The project will be developed around 3 axes:
- The development of a light database infrastructure
- The analysis of the data from the database, in order to infer spatial models of brain activation
- The organization of a statistical toolbox that will interface existing analysis procedures, to query the information from the database at different processing steps
- The development of a graphical user interface for the system
Database status
The database currently contains data of 650 subjects drawn from 24 studies. The studies currently come from Neurospin and OpenfMRI, and more sources will be added in the future. Following is the list of studies:
- Complexity: a study on sentences structure, 40 subjects
- Muslang: a study on sentences and music structure, 35 subjects
- Arithmetic & saccades: a study on mental arithmetic and spatial coding, 19 subjects
- Compression: a study on a temporal bottleneck in language comprehension, 16 subjects
- Localizer: a localizer protocol for functional cognitive networks, 133 subjects
- Twin localizer: a localizer protocol with twin subjects, 70 subjects
- Balloon Analog Risk-taking Task: 16 subjects
- Classification learning: 17 subjects
- Rhyme judgment: 13 subjects
- Mixed-gambles task: 16 subjects
- Living-nonliving decision with plain or mirror-reversed text: 14 subjects
- Stop-signal task with spoken & manual responses: 20 subjects
- Stop-signal task with unconditional and conditional stopping: 15 subjects
- Classification learning and tone-counting: 14 subjects
- Classification learning and stop-signal (1 year test-retest): 8 subjects
- Cross-language repetition priming: 13 subjects
- Classification learning and reversal: 14 subjects
- Simon task: 21 subjects
- Flanker task (event-related): 16 subjects
- Visual object recognition: 6 subjects
- Word and object processing: 49 subjects
- Prefrontal-Subcortical Pathways Mediating Successful Emotion Regulation: 34 subjects
- False belief task: 33 subjects
- Incidental encoding task (Posner Cueing Paradigm): 18 subjects