Best Paper Award at RTCSA 2024

Our paper EarlyBird: energy belongs to those who wake up early has just received the best paper award at the RTCSA international conference, held August 21-23 in Sokcho, South Korea. In this paper, we focus on intermittent computing and we present a new technique to determine appropriate wakeup voltage thresholds to minimize energy consumption. This work was carried out jointly by members of the PACAP team at the Inria Centre at the University of Rennes, and members of the STR team at LS2N. The work was presented by the main author, Hugo Reymond, a 3rd year PhD student, whose thesis…

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Outstanding paper award

Congratulations to Nicolas Bellec, Guillaume Hiet, Simon Rokicki, Frédéric Tronel and Isabelle Puaut who received an outstanding paper award for their paper entitled “RT-DFI: Optimizing Data-Flow Integrity for Real-Time Systems” at ECRTS 2022 in Modena (see paper).

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PhD defense of Bahram Yarahmadi

Bahram Yarahmadi successfully defended his PhD on Thursday, July 1st, 2021. Jury members Abdoulaye GAMATIE, Senior Researcher, CNRS/LIRMM Montpellier Maria MENDEZ REAL Assistant Professor, Université de Nantes Fabrice RASTELLO, Senior Researcher, Inria Grenoble Henri-Pierre CHARLES, Senior Researcher, CEA Grenoble Olivier SENTIEYS, Professor, Université de Rennes 1 Erven Rohou, Senior Researcher, Inria Rennes Title: Static and dynamic compiler support for intermittently powered computer systems Abstract: With the advent of Internet of things (IoT), there is a need to provide energy for a massive number of smart tiny devices without using large, heavy, and high maintenance batteries. One promising way is to…

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