We will be presenting SCHEMATIC, a compile-time technique to place checkpoint in intermittent programs, and select a memory allocation for its variables at CGO’24.

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Nassim Amalou defends his PhD

Nassim was a PhD student co-advised by Isabelle Puaut from PACAP and Élisa Fromont from LACODAM. On December 12th 2023, he successfully defended his PhD titled “Machine learning for timing estimation“. Congratulations, Nassim!

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Sara Hoseininasab at ARC 2023

Sara Hoseininasab presented her work titled “Rapid Prototyping of Complex Micro-architectures Through High-Level Synthesis” at the 19th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2023) in Cottbus, Germany.

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Outstanding paper award

Congratulations to Nicolas Bellec, Guillaume Hiet, Simon Rokicki, Frédéric Tronel and Isabelle Puaut who received an outstanding paper award for their paper entitled “RT-DFI: Optimizing Data-Flow Integrity for Real-Time Systems” at ECRTS 2022 in Modena (see paper).

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PhD defense of Bahram Yarahmadi

Bahram Yarahmadi successfully defended his PhD on Thursday, July 1st, 2021. Jury members Abdoulaye GAMATIE, Senior Researcher, CNRS/LIRMM Montpellier Maria MENDEZ REAL Assistant Professor, Université de Nantes Fabrice RASTELLO, Senior Researcher, Inria Grenoble Henri-Pierre CHARLES, Senior Researcher, CEA Grenoble Olivier SENTIEYS, Professor, Université de Rennes 1 Erven Rohou, Senior Researcher, Inria Rennes Title: Static and dynamic compiler support for intermittently powered computer systems Abstract: With the advent of Internet of things (IoT), there is a need to provide energy for a massive number of smart tiny devices without using large, heavy, and high maintenance batteries. One promising way is to…

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