

  • RS: Real Roots isolation for algebraic systems with rational coefficients with a finite number of Complex Roots. Integrated in Maple since version 11. Requires a Gröbner engine. The best way to use the main functions from RS is through the official Maple fonctions:
  • RS3: successor of RS for some functions, does not require any Gröbner engine.
  • MPFI (contribution: the first version of the library including the basic operations and comparisons. It has been extracted from RS): open-source library based on MPFR, implementing a multi-precision interval arithmetic.
  • SLV : an open-source C-library for isolating real roots of univariate polynomials with rational coefficients.


  • DV (contribution: the basic version working in the generic case including the open CAD): Real Roots of parametric algebraic systems. The full version is developed and maintained by G. Moroz and is part of the Maple package RootFinding[Parametric] since Maple 15.
  • ISOTOP (contribution: mainly the bivariate solver based on RS3): Topology of plane curves.
  • SIROPA (contribution: early versions of computational tools, modeling and interfaces with algebraic tools): modélisation, analyse et conception de manipulateurs mécaniques.
  • PTOPO : topology of algebraic curves defined by parametric equations.
  • OreModules  A symbolic package for the study of linear functional systems over Ore algebras (Maple)

  • OreMorphisms A homological algebra package for factoring, reducing and decomposing linear functional systems (Maple)

  • RationalUnivariateRepresentation : A pure Maple implementation of the most recent algorithm for computing a RUR. Could replace  Groebner[RationalUnivariateRepresentation].
  • Stafford A package dedicated to Stafford’s results on Weyl algebras and their applications (Maple)

  • PurityFiltration A package dedicated to the computation of the purity (codimension/bidualizing) filtration of modules and reduction to equidimensional block-triangular forms (Maple)


  • ANewDsc: A prototype adding a Newton iteration to the Descartes’ bisection strategy to get an
    algorithm (and also an implementation) with a state of the art complexity.

Other software

  • Catex: a Latex tool for string diagrams, in OCaml
  • Cox: functions to compute coherent presentations of Artin monoids, in Python
  • dCat: a prototype for automatic computation of complexity bounds of polygraphic programs, in OCaml
  • Garside.jl: a library for the explicit computation of a minimal resolution of Garside monoids, in Julia
  • OreAlgebraicAnalysis A Mathematica implementation of the OreModules and OreMorphisms packages (Mathematica)
  • RationalUnivariateRepresentation : A Julia implementation of the most recent algorithm for computing a RUR. 
  • Rewr: a prototype for higher-dimensional rewriting, in OCaml

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