Our seminar usually takes place the first and/or the second Tuesday of every month
(but we might also meet in between, should an opportunity arises) .
Members of our team also participate to the monthly AFRIMath seminar on geometry and topology.
Next seminar:
- 21/1/2025:
Josué Tonelli-Cueto (Johns Hopkins University)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 15:00
Is uniform expressivity too restrictive? Towards efficient expressivity of graph neural networks
Uniform expressivity guarantees that a Graph Neural Network (GNN) can express a query without the parameters depending on the size of the input graphs. This property is desirable in applications in order to have number of trainable parameters that is independent of the size of the input graphs. Uniform expressivity of the two variable guarded fragment (GC2) of first order logic is a well-celebrated result for Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) GNNs.
We show that uniform expressivity of GC2 queries is not possible for GNNs with a wide class of Pfaffian activation functions (including the sigmoid and tanh). We also show that despite these limitations, many of those GNNs can still efficiently express GC2 queries in a way that the number of parameters remains logarithmic on the maximal degree of the input graphs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a log-log dependency on the degree is achievable for a certain choice of activation function. This shows that uniform expressivity can be successfully relaxed by covering large graphs appearing in practical applications.
Upcoming seminars:
Previous seminars:
- 3/12/2024:
Philipp di Dio (University of Konstanz)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 11:00
Sparse Univariate Positiv- and Nichtnegativstellensätze from T-Systems
In 1963 Samuel Karlin published a paper about Nonnegative functions. It treats T-systems and fully describes non-negative functions in these systems.
In this talk we describe what T-systems are and give basic properties. We then go to the complete description of strictly positive and non-negative functions, the so called Karlin’s Positiv- and Nichtnegativestellensatz. We show that this results also covers the full description of non-negative univariate polynomials with gaps on a finite interval [a,b] and the half-open interval [0,\infty). Gaps means here that only finitely many exponents in the univariate monomials are allowed.
- 26/11/2024:
Alexey Ovchinnikov (City University of New York)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 15:30
Parameter estimation in dynamic models with polynomial system solving
Parametric ODE models are integral to scientific processes across many disciplines. Model parameter values are required for analyzing the behavior of solutions. Computing these values from observed data is known as parameter estimation or inverse problem and has many applications, ranging from chemical reaction networks to biological modeling. Most of the approaches are either based on optimization or on algebra (e.g., differential algebra). We will discuss an algebra-based approach, which reduces the problem to multivariable polynomial system solving. - 25/6/2024:
Florent Corniquel (Inria Paris and Sorbonne University)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 11:00
Résolution de systèmes zéro-dimensionnels et paramétriques
Ma présentation portera sur la résolution de systèmes polynomiaux zéro-dimensionnels et certains systèmes paramétriques sur lesquels j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler pendant mon stage de M2. Plus précisément, je me concentrerai sur le calcul respectif d’une représentation univariée rationnelle (RUR) dans le premier cas, et d’une RUR paramétrique dans le second. - 11/6/2024:
Alban Quadrat (Inria Paris and Sorbonne University)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 11:00
Application du lemme de perturbation homologique en théorie du contrôle
Dans un premier temps, nous donnerons une introduction générale aux concepts de systèmes linéaires, de matrices de transfert, de stabilités et de stabilisation robuste/forte/simultanée développés en théorie du contrôle. En particulier, nous nous intéresserons aux classes de systèmes définis par des équations différentielles, des équations différentielles à retard et des équations aux dérivées partielles en une dimension d’espace. Puis, nous montrerons comment la théorie des réseaux algébriques permet de caractériser les propriétés des systèmes à l’aide de la théorie des modules (sur des algèbres de Banach). Nous monterons alors comment un test de stabilité robuste, le plus général à notre connaissance, peut être obtenu comme une application directe du lemme de perturbation homologique. Dans le temps restant, nous évoquerons de futurs développements en lien avec la géométrie non commutative (calcul différentiel quantique en 1 dimension, existence de connexions et de courbures sur les systèmes stabilisables, etc.). Au cours de l’exposé, nous indiquerons rapidement les aspects ayant été rendu effectifs à l’aide des méthodes du calcul formel. - 14/5/2024:
Alexandre Lê (Sorbonne University, Inria Paris, and Safran)
at Jussieu, room 15-25/502, 10:30
Design and Control of Parallel Robots for the Inertial Stabilization of Sighting Devices
Parallel robots are manipulators having several platforms connected through several kinematic chains (legs). Such a structure bestows multiple advantages compared to their (classical) serial counterparts: better performances in terms of stiffness, accuracy, velocity and acceleration. However, they are also well-known as complex systems especially from the modeling and control viewpoints (additional dangerous configurations called singularities, nonlinearities, heterogeneous uncertainties, …). The purpose of this talk is to present a methodology involving symbolic computation, interval analysis and continuation methods to design and control parallel robots, given the application of Line-Of-Sight (LOS) stabilization. A focus will be made on a special class of parallel robots: Spherial Parallel Manipulators (SPMs).
- 23/4/2024:
Owen Garnier (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
at Sophie Germain, room 1016, 10:30
Homology of categories and the Dehornoy-Lafont order complex
In this talk, I will first present two seemingly unrelated topics regarding homology computations. I will begin by detailing how one can use the homology of categories to compute group homology. Then, I will present the order complex of Dehornoy and Lafont, which is a general complex constructed for monoids satisfying combinatorial assumptions, and which gives a free resolution of the trivial module. I will also explain how to generalize the construction of the order complex to a category instead of a monoid, and how it allows for new homology computations.
As its name indicates, the order complex relies on some additional choice of an ordering on the associated category/monoid. I will finish by presenting a procedure for choosing a convenient order yielding a complex of smaller rank, thus facilitating actual computations. - 2/4/2024
Djamel Eddine Amir (Loria, Nancy)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 10:30
Computable Aspects of Topological Spaces
The topological properties of a set have a strong impact on its computability properties. A striking illustration of this idea is given by spheres, closed manifolds and finite graphs without endpoints : if a set X is homeomorphic to a sphere, a closed manifold or a such graph, then any algorithm that semicomputes X in some sense can be converted into an algorithm that fully computes X. In other words, the topological properties of X enable one to derive full information about X from partial information about X. In that case, we say that X has computable type. Those results have been obtained by Miller and Iljazović and others in the recent years. We give a characterization of finite simplicial complexes having computable type using a local property of stars of vertices. We argue that the stronger, relativized version of computable type, is better behaved. Consequently, we obtain characterizations of strong computable type, related to the descriptive complexity of topological invariants. We study two families of topological invariants of low descriptive complexity, expressing the extensibility and the null-homotopy of continuous functions. We apply the theory to revisit previous results and obtain new ones. This leads us to investigate the expressive power of low complexity invariants in the Borel hierarchy and their ability to differentiate between spaces. Notably, we show that they are sufficient for distinguishing finite topological graphs. - 12/3/2024
Antoine Béreau (CMAP École Polytechnique and Inria Saclay)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 10:45
The Nullstellensatz and Positivstellensatz for Sparse Tropical Polynomial Systems
Grigoriev and Podolskii (2018) have established a tropical analogue of the effective Nullstellensatz, showing that a system of tropical polynomial equations is solvable if and only if a linearized system obtained from a truncated Macaulay matrix is solvable. They provided an upper bound of the minimal admissible truncation degree, as a function of the degrees of the tropical polynomials. We establish a tropical Nullstellensatz adapted to sparse tropical polynomial systems. Our approach is inspired by a construction of Canny-Emiris (1993), refined by Sturmfels (1994). This leads to an improved bound of the truncation degree, which coincides with the classical Macaulay degree in the case of n + 1 equations in n unknowns. We also establish a tropical Positivstellensatz, allowing one to decide the inclusion of tropical basic semialgebraic sets. This allows one to reduce decision problems for tropical semi-algebraic sets to the solution of systems of tropical linear equalities and inequalities. The later systems are known to be reducible to mean payoff games, which can be solved in practice, in a scalable way, by value or policy iteration methods. - 5/3/2024:
Joao Rafael de Melo Ruiz (Sorbonne University and Inria Paris)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 10:30
Reading Rational Univariate Representations from Lexicographic Gröbner bases
In the context of calculation a Rational Univariate Representation (RUR) of a zero-dimensional system over a field K, it is necessary to certify that a chosen linear form separates the solution set, and then use that form to calculate the polynomials in the RUR. The main result we found is that both of these can be simply « read » from the coefficients of some lexicographic Gröbner bases. This approach works even if the ideal in question has no particular structure (such as being in shape position or having a cyclic quotient algebra). Implementing this principle in Maple and in Julia has shown that this approach is competitive with the state-of-the-art algorithms, even before performing more sophisticated optimizations. - 6/2/2024 : CANCELLED (postponed for a future day)
Xavier Allamigeon (Inria Saclay and École Polytechnique)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 10:30
No self-concordant barrier interior point method is strongly polynomial
A long-standing question has been to determine if the theory of self-concordant barriers can provide an interior point method with strongly polynomial complexity in linear programming. In the special case of the logarithmic barrier, it was shown in [Allamigeon, Benchimol, Gaubert and Joswig, SIAM J. on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 2018] that the answer is negative.
In this talk, I will show that none of the self-concordant barrier interior point methods is strongly polynomial. This result is obtained by establishing that, for convex optimization problems, the image under the logarithmic map of the central path degenerates to a piecewise linear curve, independently of the choice of the barrier function. This curve, called the tropical central path, has a strong connection with the simplex method in the case of LP. I will provide an explicit linear program that falls in the same class as the Klee-Minty counterexample, i.e., a combinatorial n-cube for which interior-point methods require at least 2^n-1 iterations.
This is a joint work with Stéphane Gaubert and Nicolas Vandame (Inria and Ecole Polytechnique). - 23/1/2024 :
Franck Sueur (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 10:30
Differential transmutations
Inspired by Gromov’s partial differential relations, we introduce a notion of differential transmutation, which allows to transfer some local properties of solutions of a PDE to solutions of another PDE, in particular local solvability, hypoellipticity, weak and strong unique continuation properties and the Runge approximation property. The latest refers to the possibility to approximate some given local solutions by a global solution, with point controls at preassigned positions in the holes of the initial domain. As an example we consider the steady Stokes system, which can be obtained as a differential transmutation of an appropriate tensorization of the Laplace operator.
- 12/12/2023 :
Antonios Varvitsiotis (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
at Jussieu, room 15-25/502, 10:00
Identifying and controlling agent behavior in games using limited data
Decentralized learning algorithms are an essential tool for designing multi-agent systems, as they enable agents to autonomously learn from their experience and past interactions. In this work, we propose a theoretical and algorithmic framework for real-time identification of the learning dynamics that govern agent behavior in games using a short burst of a single trajectory. Our method identifies agent dynamics through polynomial regression, where we compensate for limited data by incorporating side-information constraints that capture fundamental assumptions or expectations about agent behavior, e.g., agents tend to move towards directions of improving utility. These constraints are enforced computationally using sum-of-squares optimization, leading to a hierarchy of increasingly better approximations of the true agent dynamics. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach accurately recovers the true dynamics across various games and target learning dynamics while using only five samples from a short run of a single trajectory. Notably, we use strong benchmarks such as predicting equilibrium selection as well as the evolution of chaotic systems for up to ten Lyapunov times.
Based on joint work with I. Canyakmaz, G. Piliouras and J. Sakos.
Alain Yger (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)
at Jussieu, room 15-25/502, 11:00
Amibes d’hypersurfaces ou d’idéaux, approximation, contour et fonction de Ronkin, questions de stabilité
Je présenterai la notion d’amibe attachée à une hypersurface
algébrique du tore complexe $(\mathbb C^*)^n$, voire à un idéal de
$\mathbb C[X_1^{\pm 1},…,X_n^{\pm 1}]$, ainsi ses approximations
géométriques telles que déecrites par Kevin Purbhoo en 2008, en
lien avec la notion de d\’eséquilibre (”lobsideness”)
inhérente à un polynôme de Laurent en $n$ variables (inspirée du
contexte $p$-adique, puis transcrite dans le contexte archimédien).
J’insisterai sur la notion d’application de Gauss, et, avec elle, de
contour d’amibe, contour dont le tracé implique la théorie
algébrique de l’élimination, ainsi que sur la fonction de Ronkin,
fonction convexe attachée à un polynôme de Laurent en $n$
variables et dont l’approximation par les sommes de Riemann implique la
FFT. C’est dans le cadre du lien entre ces sommes de Riemann et
l’approximation géométrique de l’amibe ou de son squelette que se
situent les résultats établis avec B. Bossoto et M. Mboup concernant
les tests (probabilistes) de stabilité de filtres rationnels. Je
mentionnerai aussi comment reformuler le ”polydisk nullstellensatz”
dans un tel cadre. - 07/11/2023 : Aurélien Gribinski (Inria Paris and IMJ-PRG)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/413, 10:00
An introduction to finite free probability through the lens of entropy
We will explain how polynomials can be looked at as random variables. More specifically, we will explain how we can associate moment generating functions to them, derive a law of large numbers or a central limit theorem, and we will specifically focus on a natural notion of entropy that leads to nontrivial inequalities and monotonicity of discriminants. - 19/10/2023 : Carles Checa (University of Athens)
at Jussieu, room 15-16/101, 10:00
Regularity, Gröbner bases and computations with multi-homogeneous polynomial systems
In this talk, we will review the relevance of regularity as an invariant that governs the computations with polynomial systems. We will motivate the relevance of Gröbner basis through classical problems in algebraic geometry such as the ideal membership problem and we will describe the main results (mainly due to Bayer and Stillman) relating the regularity of the ideal and the cost of building Gröbner bases. Next, we will describe the setting of multi-homogeneous polynomial systems that appear in applications and explain some of the our results describing Gröbner bases in this context.
This is joint on-going work with Matías Bender, Laurent Busé, and Elias Tsigaridas. - 3/10/2023 : Jean Michel (IMJ-PRG)
at Sophie Germain, room 1016
Introduction to Julia