Category: Blog

OAK in BDA 2013

We are just back from BDA 2013, which was extremely well attended by the group! Some pictures below (thanks Zoi!) Alexandra presented “Warehousing RDF Graphs”: Stamatis presented “CliqueSquare: Efficient Hadoop-based RDF query processing“: Katerina presented “Answering Why-Not Questions”: and Asterios presented “Delta: Scalable Data Dissemination under Capacity Constraints” Unlike what the photo would have you …

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Andrés’ farewell party

Andrés has finished his 2-years contract and made a small farewell party yesterday. Thank you Andrés, and good luck!

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OAK in Fête de la Science 2013

Oak partipated in representing Inria Saclay at Fête de la Science 2013. Alexandra, Tushar, Stamatis, Katerina, Dario and Ioana took turns in presenting RDF graphs, views and warehouses to 400+ visitors!

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Julien Leblay: Optimization Techniques for Semistructured Semantic Web Data

Julien defended his PhD thesis on Sept 27, 4 pm, room 435 Jury: François Goasdoué, Professor, Univ. Rennes 1 Ioana Manolescu, DR, Inria Saclay Bernd Amann, Professor, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Stefano Ceri, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italy David Gross-Amblard, Professor, Univ. de Rennes 1 Christine Froidevaux, Professor, Univ. Paris-Sud Abstract: Since the beginning …

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2013 summer party

Before heading off for the summer holidays, we held a terrace party with some of our distinguished guests and friends!

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OakSad kick-off workshop

We have been in San Diego at the OAKSAD kick-off workshop at the end of May 2013. Unlike Paris which lives a revival of the Little Ice Age, San Diego was sunny, as can be easily seen below!

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EDBT 2013 in Genova

The group was well represented at EDBT in Genoa, Italy. The proceedings of the conference can be found here.

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Oak team at CIKM 2012

The conference took place in Maui, Hawaii, USA from October 29 to 2nd November. The team has presented two demo papers and a workshop paper. “AMADA: Web Data Repositories in the Amazon Cloud” by Andrés Aranda-Andújar, Francesca Bugiotti, Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez, Dario Colazzo, Francois Goasdoué, Zoi Kaoudi and Ioana Manolescu (demo paper). “The Nautilus Analyzer: Understanding and Debugging Data …

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The LRI’s Nao robot

The LRI has acquired a NAO robot from Aldebaran. Here is a demo from today: Jean-Christophe Souplet, who is the Nao handler for now, welcomes ideas of using it next to demos that are inspired from what the teams are doing. The Nao can be programmed with relatively low difficulty, using a range of pre-defined …

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SIGMOD 2012 was great!

We particularly enjoyed this year’s SIGMOD in Scottsdale, Arizona. Proceedings are not online yet, but there was a promise to put them here:!

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