Author's posts
Oct 26
OAK in BDA 2013
We are just back from BDA 2013, which was extremely well attended by the group! Some pictures below (thanks Zoi!) Alexandra presented “Warehousing RDF Graphs”: Stamatis presented “CliqueSquare: Efficient Hadoop-based RDF query processing“: Katerina presented “Answering Why-Not Questions”: and Asterios presented “Delta: Scalable Data Dissemination under Capacity Constraints” Unlike what the photo would have you …
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Oct 17
Andrés’ farewell party
Andrés has finished his 2-years contract and made a small farewell party yesterday. Thank you Andrés, and good luck!
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Oct 14
OAK in Fête de la Science 2013
Oak partipated in representing Inria Saclay at Fête de la Science 2013. Alexandra, Tushar, Stamatis, Katerina, Dario and Ioana took turns in presenting RDF graphs, views and warehouses to 400+ visitors!
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Oct 06
PVLDB 2014: Delta: Scalable Data Dissemination under Capacity Constraints
“Delta: Scalable Data Dissemination under Capacity Constraints”, by Konstantinos Karanasos, Asterios Katsifodimos and Ioana Manolescu has been accepted for publication in PVLDB 2014.
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Sep 26
Julien Leblay: Optimization Techniques for Semistructured Semantic Web Data
Julien defended his PhD thesis on Sept 27, 4 pm, room 435 Jury: François Goasdoué, Professor, Univ. Rennes 1 Ioana Manolescu, DR, Inria Saclay Bernd Amann, Professor, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Stefano Ceri, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italy David Gross-Amblard, Professor, Univ. de Rennes 1 Christine Froidevaux, Professor, Univ. Paris-Sud Abstract: Since the beginning …
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Sep 25
PEPS interdisciplinary project BizModel4Cloud accepted
This exploratory one-year collaborative research project was funded jointly by the CNRS and the IDEX Paris-Saclay. It is coordinated by Ahmed Bounfour from the PESOR lab of U. Paris-Sud, and involves I. Manolescu, N. Bidoit and B. Cautis from OAK as well as V. Fernandez from Telecom ParisTech. The project aims at developing a common …
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Sep 23
CIKM 2013 Tutorial: Entity Resolution in the Web of Data
The tutorial “Entity Resolution in the Web of Data” by Kostas Stefanidis, Vasilis Efthymiou, Melanie Herschel and Vassilis Christophides has been accepted for presentation at CIKM 2013.
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Jul 13
Four papers accepted in BDA 2013
“Answering Why-Not Questions” Nicole Bidoit, Melanie Herschel and Katerina Tzompanaki “CliqueSquare: Efficient Hadoop-Based RDF Query Processing” Francois Goasdoue, Zoi Kaoudi, Ioana Manolescu, Jorge Quiane-Ruiz and Stamatis Zampetakis “Delta: Scalable Data Dissemination under Capacity Constraints” Konstantinos Karanasos, Asterios Katsifodimos and Ioana Manolescu “Warehousing RDF Graphs” Dario Colazzo, Francois Goasdoue, Ioana Manolescu and Alexandra Roatis
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Jul 07
2013 summer party
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Jun 13
Bogdan Cautis to join the team in the fall 2013
Bogdan Cautis has been confirmed as a full professor at IUT Paris Sud starting from the fall 2013, and will join us in the OAK team.
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