Category: News

DanaC 2012: RDF Data Management in the Amazon Cloud

RDF Data Management in the Amazon Cloud by Francesca Bugiotti, François Goasdoué, Zoi Kaoudi, and Ioana Manolescu in the DanaC 2012 workshop (collocated with EDBT/ICDT 2012)

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DMC 2012: Building Large XML Stores in the Amazon Cloud

Building Large XML Stores in the Amazon Cloud, by Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez, Dario Colazzo and Ioana Manolescu, in the Data Management in the Cloud (DMC) Workshop (collocated with ICDE 2012)

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PhD defense of Wael Khemiri

“Data-intensive interactive workflows for visual analytics” Room 455, PCRI, 2 pm, December 12, 2011 The increasing amounts of electronic data of all forms, produced by humans (e.g. Web pages, structured content such as Wikipedia or the blogosphere etc.) and/or automatic tools (loggers, sensors, Web services, scientific programs or analysis tools etc.) leads to a situation …

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IEEE TKDE: Robust Module-based Data Management

F. Goasdoué and M.-C. Rousset: “Robust Module-based Data Management”  

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PhD defense of Marina Sahakyan

14.00 University Paris-Sud 11, building 650 (PCRI), room 435 “Main Memory XML Update Optimization: algorithms and experiments” Abstract XML projection is one of the main adopted optimization techniques for reducing memory consumption in XQuery in-memory engines. The main idea behind this technique is quite simple: given a query Q over an XML document D, instead …

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RFIA 2012: Reformulation-based Query Answering in RDF Databases

F. Goasdoué, I. Manolescu and A. Roatis: “Reformulation-based Query Answering in RDF Databases“

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Irini Fundulaki: Heuristic based Query Optimisation for SPARQL

14:00, Room 445 at PCRI Abstract During the last decade we have witnessed an increase in the amount of semantic data. The so called Web of Data extents the current Web to a global data space connecting data from diverse domains. A central issue in such setting is the efficient support for storing, querying, and manipulating semantic RDF data. …

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Open Data presentation in the Digiteo forum 2011

The yearly Digiteo Forum was held on October 18. Ioana Manolescu gave a plenary talk on Open Data.

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Leo in the INRIA evaluation seminary

The team has been just presented, not formally evaluated, because at this stage we are only a team and not a project-team. The slides can be found here.

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Ioana Manolescu, Unithé ou café: “Toutes les données du monde en un seul clic”

1er étage, bât. I (labo Inria/ Microsoft Research), Parc Orsay Université Abstract Vous pensez déjà à vos futures vacances au ski, et cherchez un village alliant une altitude moyenne, un bon ensoleillement et des activités pour les enfants ? Du coup, vous voilà obligé de jongler entre les différents tableaux et sites d’informations. Bientôt ce …

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