ANR Finite4SoS


Finite4SoS is a project funded by The French National Research Agency (ANR). The start of the project is October 2015 for a duration of 4 years.

Systems of Systems (SoS) are composed with interconnected dynamical subsystems with communication facilities, the natures of which lead to different mathematical models: ordinary differential equations, differential inclusions, time delay systems, partial differential equations. Information technology revolution has become a reality together with its new challenges. One of them being the need to manage such SoS with communication facilities, while requiring the best achievable performances. Finite4SoS aims at developing a new promising framework to address control and estimation issues of SoS subject to this model diversity, while achieving robustness as well as severe time response constraints. The key ingredients are: finite-time concepts, which will help in managing severe time constraints; homogeneity and time-varying feedback, which are the main tools for achieving the finite-time property for both convergence and input-to-state stability for each class of system. These concepts will help for both cascade and feedback connections (feedback homogenization will preserve the finite-time property).


The project involves partners from the following institutions:

  • Inria Lille – Nord Europe
    Inria is the only French public research body fully dedicated to computational and information sciences. The Non-A team is developing a Non-Asymptotic estimation theory, built around differential algebra and operational calculation on the one hand, and high gain algorithms on the other hand. Wilfrid Perruquetti (project leader), Full Professor at École Centrale de Lille is a recognized expert in estimation and control theory, nonlinear systems with applications to robotics. Andrey Polyakov, CR Inria Lille Nord-Europe is working with different fields of mathematical control theory. Denis Efimov, CR Inria Lille Nord-Europe specializes on nonlinear oscillation analysis, observation and control, switched and nonlinear system stability. Jean-Pierre Richard, Full Professor at École Centrale de Lille is a recognized expert in the field of control and applications.
  • Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions UMR 7598 CNRS (LJLL) – UPMC
    The LJLL, the largest French laboratory in applied mathematics, has a strong international expertise in PDE (including theoretical and numerical aspects, asymptotic analysis) and in control theory (including optimal control theory) of finite and infinite dimensional control systems. Jean-Michel Coron, 58, Full Professor at UPMC is a recognized expert in nonlinear partial differential equations and nonlinear control theory. Emmanuel Trélat, Full Professor at UPMC, is working on optimal control (finite and infinite dimension).

    ARMINES is a structure for contractual research “orientated” towards the industry. The Robotics Center (CAOR) has a recognized expertise in the field of “modelling and control of autonomous mechanical systems”. Brigitte d’Andréa-Novel is Full Professor at École des Mines de Paris with research interests in the field of nonlinear control theory applied to mechanical systems and in boundary control with different applications. Lionel Rosier, Full Professor of Mathematics at École des Mines de Paris is working in control of nonlinear systems, control of PDE, inverse problems and fluid-structure interactions problems.



Wilfrid Perruquetti

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