Séminaire NEO: Prof. Rajesh Sundaresan, IISc, Bangalore

Prof. Rajesh Sundaresan,
on Jan 24th, 2018 , 14:00-15:00, at Euler Bleu.

Titre: A Gibbsian approach to load balancing in large graphs

The talk will be on load balancing on a large graph. A unit of load on
each edge of a graph is to be distributed between its nodes in a
balanced way. On infinite graphs, it is known that the problem exhibits
nonuniqueness. Recently, Anantharam and Salez in 2016 provided a general
solution and settled a conjecture of Hajek in 1990 on the Erdos-Renyi
model. The talk will outline the steps of a more classical Gibbsian
approach to solve the problem.

Rajesh Sundaresan is a Professor at the Department of Electrical
Communication Engineering and an Associate Faculty at the Robert Bosch
Centre for Cyber Physical Systems, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India. He served as an Associate Editor (Communications) of
the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory from 2012-2015. His current
research interests are in communication, computation and control over
networks and decentralised algorithms over graphs and networks.

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