Author's posts

(in French) Vivoka s’associe à Inria pour révolutionner la reconnaissance vocale

Multispeech, équipe de recherche commune Inria – Loria (Université de Lorraine/CNRS/Inria) et Vivoka (startup messine spécialisée dans la conception de solutions vocales) s’associent pour révolutionner les interfaces vocales embarquées , autrement dit : les assistants vocaux sans connexion internet À travers ce partenariat d’envergure, les deux acteurs vont collaborer sur de nombreux points pour accroître …

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COMPRISE Weakly Supervised Speech-to-Text (STT) and COMPRISE Weakly Supervised Natural Language Understanding (NLU) have been released!

COMPRISE Weakly Supervised STT and COMPRISE Weakly Supervised NLU are now publicly available. Weakly supervised learning addresses the problem that, for many relevant tasks, classical supervised learning methods require the collection and manual transcription or labelling of large amounts of speech or text data. This classical approach is both time-consuming and expensive. Main features COMPRISE …

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Multispeech awarded at the OLR challenge

The 5th edition of the Oriental Language Recognition (OLR) challenge has praised the reliability and stability of an automatic language recognition system developed by Multispeech. Raphaël Duroselle, doctoral student, looks back at the stakes and the tasks of this international challenge which honoured the dynamism of the team’s researchers.   A new challenge for the …

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Acoust.IA : a project dedicated to sound engineers – France 3 Interview – December 2020

Antoine Deleforge, researcher and Stéphane Dilungana, Phd student at Inria, Cédric Foy, researcher from Cerema et UMRAE, speak about this project dedicated to sound diagnostic. To know more : https://www.inria.fr/fr/diagnostic-acoustique-faire-mieux-plus-vite-et-moins-cher  

VoicePrivacy, international challenge on voice data protection

How to anonymise a voice without altering the message or producing a robotic voice? This was the question asked to the participants of the 1st edition of the VoicePrivacy Challenge. Completed in November 2020, this international competition on voice data protection was an initiative of Multispeech, a project-team common to Loria and Inria used to …

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