Past Projects

  • ANR project DIG-EM (French version): This project aims at developing a high-throughput computational framework to analyze and formalize high-throughput 4D imaging data, in order to quantify and formally represent with cellular resolution the average development of an organism and its variations within and between species.
    Participants: CRBM, Virtual Plants, and Morpheme.
  • ANR project HMOVE: The project focuses on the development of accurate tracking algorithm to compare trajectories of different Hedgehog pools transportation in live animals.
    Participants: Pascal Thérond group (iBV) and Morpheme.
  • ANR project PhaseQuantHD (French version): The project aims at developing a high-content imaging system using quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry as a quantitative phase imaging modality.
    Participants: Phasics (Paris), Tiro (UNS/CEA/CAL, Nice), Mediacoding (I3S), and Morpheme.
  • ANR project RNAGRIMP (French version): The purpose of the project is to study the density and repartition of cytoplasmic RNP (RiboNucleoprotein Particles) granules containing the Imp protein (IGF-II mRNA-binding protein where IGF stands for Insulin-like Growth Factor).
    Participants: Florence Besse group (iBV), IBPS (Paris), and Morpheme.
  • ANR project DIAMONDS: the project focuses on the development of image deconvolution models for optical microscopy in high dimensions.
    Participants: Institut Pasteur (Paris), Université Haute Alsace (MIPS), Université Paris-Est (LIGM), and Morpheme.
  • ANR project MOTIMO (ANR versions: EN or FR): The project focuses on the automated assessment process of semen fertility, based on the massal motility as a fertility indicator.
    Participants: IMT and IMFT (Toulouse), INRA Tours, IMV Technologies, and Morpheme.
  • ANR young researcher project POXADRONO : The projec aims at studying the ARN regulation in the control of growth and axonal guidance by using a combination of live-imaging, quantitative analysis of images, bio-informatic analysis and genetic screening. PI: F. Besse (Morpheme).
  • ARC-DADA: Description et Analyse Dynamique de la Croissance Axonale. Participants: IBDC, Serpico, and Morpheme.
  • PEPII Analyse morphometrique des reseaux micro-vasculaires et neuronaux.
    Participants: I3S, IBDC, IMFT, CerCo, and Morpheme (PI: Xavier Descombes).
  • PEPII S2M: Sperm Mobility Modelisation.
    Participants: PRC (UMR 6175), INRA-CNRS-IFCE-Université de Tours (responsable Xavier Druart), I3S (UMR 6070), CNRS-Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (responsable Laure Blanc-Féraud) and IMT (UMR 5219), CNRS (responsable Pierre Degond).
  • FUI GYROVISION (Aeronautics and Embedded Technologies (ATE), Dronexplorer, Nexvision, Coreti).

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