Program, Meeting Thursday December 13th 2018

The next regular meeting will be held at Inria Paris (Emmy Noether Room), Thursday December 13th 2018, 9:30am — 5pm.


  • 9h30 — 10h30. Khalil Ghorbal, Structural Analysis of Differential-Algebraic Equations
  • 10h30 — 11h. Mathias Malandain: Pantelides and Pryce Methods
  • 11h — 11h15. Break
  • 11h15 — 12h. Marc Pouzet, Causality Analysis
  • 12h — 13h30. Lunch (Le Repaire)
  • 13h45 — 14h45. Vincent Acary, Impact Laws for Dissipative Systems
  • 14h45 — 15h. Break.
  • 15h — 15h45. Alexandre Rocca, Formal methods for Modeling and Validation of Biological Models
  • 16h — 17h. Free Discussions.

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