
On-going and past projects of MICROCOSME:

    • ARBOREAL (2024-2029): Branching resource allocation processes for the analysis and inference of phenotypic growth variability, ANR JCJC
    • HyLife (2023-2026): Microbial risks associated to hydrogen underground storage in Europe , Clean Energy Transition Partnership Joint Call 2022
    • RECOM (2023-2027): Competition of RNAs for RNase E, a mechanism regulating their degradation and the energy and carbon metabolism in the cell, ANR
    • GERM (2022-2025): Inria équipes associées
    • AnaComBa (2021-2024): Analysis of bacterial communities: stochastic modelling , Équipe-Action PERSYVAL-lab
    • Ctrl-AB (2020-2024): Optimization and control of the productivity of an algal-bacterial consortium, ANR
    • MOSTIC (2020-2022): Stochastic modelling and inference for cell communities in interaction, IXXI
    • OPTICO (2019-2021): OPTImal COntrol software for microbial communities in a system of minibioreactors, Inria ADT
    • RIB-ECO (RIBonucleotide ECOnomy) (2018-2022): Engineering RNA life cycle to optimize economy of microbial energy, ANR
    • MuSE (2018-2020): MUlti-Omics and Metabolic models integration to study growth transition in Escherichia coli, IXXI/BioSyl
    • Maximic (2017-2021): Optimal control of microbial cells by natural and synthetic strategies , ANR
    • CoSoft (2017-2018): Control software for a system of mini-bioreactors, Inria ADT
    • COSY (2017-2021): Real-time control of synthetic microbial communities , Inria Project Lab
    • FluoBacTracker (2016-2017): Adaptation et valorisation scientifique du logiciel FluoBacTracker, InriaHub
    • MEMIP (2016-2020): Mixed-effect models for cellular processes: methods, tools, and applications applications, ANR
    • ENZINVIVO (2016-2020): In-vivo determination of enzymatic parameters in a synthetic metabolic pathway, ANR
    • WellInverter (2016-2017): A web application for the analysis of time-series fluorescent reporter gene data, Development of innovative bioinformatics services for life sciences, Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB)
    • RESET (2012-2017): Arrest and restart of the gene expression machinery in bacteria : from mathematical models to biotechnological applications, Investissements d’Avenir, Bioinformatique

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