GERM: Growth-ratE Control in Mycobacteria

Associate INRIA team

GERM teams up two partners with a shared interest in and complementary expertise on the molecular control of bacterial growth. Hosted at the Francis Crick Institute in London, the Mycobacterial Metabolism and Antibiotic Research Laboratory led by Luiz Carvalho has developed a broad expertise on mycobacteria, in particular Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. It aims at understanding at a cellular and molecular level how this bacterium species survives, causes disease, and develops resistance to antibiotics. To do this, the team uses techniques such as metabolomics and functional genomics. The project-team IBIS/MICROCOSME at Inria Grenoble research centre employs a combination of theoretical and experimental tools to analyse, control, and engineer growth of microorganisms for biotechnological applications. MICROCOSME team has developed expertise on the analysis of multi-omics datasets by means of mathematical models. It will notably use its know-how on constraint-based modelling to reconstruct the metabolic networks of mycobacteria species, and to analyse experimental datasets from the Carvalho lab using these models. The complementary and synergy of the two partners will be pivotal to address a question of societal interest on the molecular control of growth from an entire genus that includes dangerous human pathogens.



Context and background

  • Studying and analysing Mycobacterium species

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