Job offers

    • INRIA competitive PhD offers

      Some PhD fellowships are attributed every year by INRIA after a competitive procedure.

      For 2016, potential applicants with an outstanding academic background interested the research topics of the Maxplus team may contact Stephane.Gaubert AT or Marianne.Akian AT, to check the suitability of their application in this team, early enough before the final deadline (generally April).

      More details on these fellowships appear on the general INRIA web site. In particular, these fellowships are reserved to students who did not do their Master studies locally (in the case of the Maxplus team, this excludes Master students from Paris), since other fellowships might be available for local students.

    • INRIA Postdoc offers

      Several post-doc positions are attributed by INRIA after a competitive procedure every year.
      The application deadline is generally in March. Consult the INRIA web site for more information on this campaign.

      If your scientific interests meet some of those of the Maxplus team (max-plus or tropical algebra, Perron-Frobenius theory, optimal control and games, Hamilton-Jacobi PDE, discrete mathematics, mathematical aspects of Operations Research…), and if you are interested by a post-doc position in our team, you are welcome to contact Stephane.Gaubert AT or Marianne.Akian AT to check the suitability of your application. Applicants having obtained a PhD outside France are particularly encouraged.

    • Internship offers

      We offer internships on a case by case basis. Feel free to contact team members for information.

    • Master leading to PhD fellowships

      Competitive fellowships are offered by the PGMO programme
      of Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) to make a Master year in France in the field of Optimization and OR. Consult href=””. FMJH also offers fellowships for a Master in other mathematical fields.