MathNeuro Seminar (Simona Olmi, MathNeuro Team)

Simona Olmi (MathNeuro Team)

TitleControlling seizure propagation in large-scale brain networks Abstract: Information transmission in the human brain is a fundamentally dynamic network process. In partial epilepsy, this process is perturbed and highly synchronous seizures originate in a local network, the so-called epileptogenic zone (EZ), before recruiting other …

MathNeuro Seminar (Zack Kilpatrick, Boulder)

Zachary P. Kilpatrick, PhD (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder, USA)

Title: Neuromechanics of working memory errors: a neural field approach Abstract: We develop and analyze neurocomputational models to account for systematic errors in visual working memory tasks. Our framework is a neural field model with lateral …

MathNeuro Seminar (David Terman, Ohio State)

Prof. David Terman (Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, USA)

Title: Role of gap junctions in a neuron astrocyte network model Abstract: A detailed biophysical model for a neuron/astrocyte network is developed in order to explore mechanisms responsible for the initiation and propagation of cortical spreading depolarizations and the …

MathNeuro seminar (Benjamin Aymard, Imperial College)

Dr. Benjamin Aymard (Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK)

Title: Emergence of vascularization networks Abstract: Networks are patterns created dynamically in order to optimize the distribution or the exchange of quantities in an environment. They appear naturally in Nature, for instance in human biology (neural network, respiratory …

MathNeuro seminar (Toni Guillamon, UPC, Barcelona)

Assoc. Prof. Toni Guillamon (Department of Mathematics, EPSEB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Title: Strategies to estimate synaptic conductances Abstract: The information about the synaptic conductances received by a single neurone can provide insights on the excitation/inhibition balance in parts of the brain. In this talk we will give an …

MathNeuro seminar (Jeff Moehlis, UC Santa Barbara)

Prof. Jeff Moehlis (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

Title: Better Living Through Control: With Applications to Neural and Cardiac Systems Abstract: Some brain disorders are hypothesized to have a dynamical origin; in particular, it has been been hypothesized that some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are due to pathologically …

MathNeuro seminar (Vivien Kirk, Auckland)

Dr. Vivien Kirk (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Title: Some issues in model reduction and simplification Abstract: An important use for mathematical models of physiological processes is to help distinguish between competing hypotheses about the physiological mechanisms underlying observed behaviour; models constructed using different hypotheses can …