Author's posts


New ANR Project in Magnet: Pamela (Personalized and decentrAlized MachinE Learning under constrAints).

Argumentation Mining Workshop

About computational approaches of argumentation.

RSS Workshop

Workshop on Graph based learning of the RSS North-European Team : UCL-Aalto-Lille June 16-17, 2016

Relational Inference and Learning for Complex Recognition Tasks. Cristina Manfredotti

When: April 11th, 2013  from 11AM to noon. Where: room B21 Speaker: Cristina Manfredotti, LIP6 UPMC (Paris 6) Title: Relational Inference and Learning for Complex Recognition Tasks Abstract: Many domains in the real world are richly structured, containing a multitude of entities related to each other in a variety of ways. Many problem domains require modeling …

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New models for highly multi-relational data. Antoine Bordes

When: April 4th, 2013  from 11AM to noon. Where: room B21 Speaker: Antoine Bordes (CR CNRS) from Heudiasyc (UT Compiègne) Title: New models for highly multi-relational data Abstract: Many data such as movie preferences or knowledge bases are multi-relational, in that they describe multiple relations between entities. While there is a large body of work …

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Analyse des réseaux sociaux et des communautés — Exemples d’applications. Emmanuel Viennet.

When: Friday (March 15th, 2013) from 11AM to noon. Where: room B21 Speaker: Emmanuel Viennet (PU université Paris 13) Title: Analyse des réseaux sociaux et des communautés — Exemples d’applications Abstract: L’analyse des réseaux sociaux et des graphes complexes font l’objet d’un grand intérêt ces dernières années, poussé par les enjeux industriels et les défis …

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New Master projects

A project on music recommendation.