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Fri 7th May
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar Nicole Schweikardt
Spanner Evaluation over SLP-Compressed Documents

We consider the problem of evaluating regular spanners over compressed documents, i.e., we wish to solve evaluation tasks directly on the compressed data, without decompression. As compressed forms of the documents we use straight-line programs (SLPs) -- a lossless compression scheme for textual data widely used in different areas of theoretical computer science and particularly well-suited for algorithmics on compressed data. In terms of data complexity, our results are as follows. For a regular spanner M and an SLP S that represents a document D, we can solve the tasks of model checking and of checking non-emptiness in time O(size(S)). Computing the set M(D) of all span-tuples extracted from D can be done in time O(size(S) size(M(D))), and enumeration of M(D) can be done with linear preprocessing O(size(S)) and a delay of O(depth(S)), where depth(S) is the depth of S's derivation tree. Note that size(S) can be exponentially smaller than the document's size |D|; and, due to known balancing results for SLPs, we can always assume that depth(S) = O(log(|D|)) independent of D's compressibility. Hence, our enumeration algorithm has a delay logarithmic in the size of the non- compressed data and a preprocessing time that is at best (i.e., in the case of highly compressible documents) also logarithmic, but at worst still linear. Therefore, in a big-data perspective, our enumeration algorithm for SLP-compressed documents may nevertheless beat the known linear preprocessing and constant delay algorithms for non-compressed documents.
[This is joint work with Markus Schmid, to be presented at PODS'21.]

Link to the paper: for the paper at least
Link to the ACM video: TBA
Fri 30th Apr
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Présentation de NetworkDisk
Je présenterais mon projet avec Bruno: NetworkDisk.

Abstract and Title: TBA
link to the project: TBA

Fri 9th Apr
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Seminaire Pascal Weil
titre: Problèmes algorithmiques en théorie des groupes infinis
Malgré le titre très général, il s'agira uniquement de problèmes concernant les sous-groupes de groupes infinis, et même juste les sous-groupes de groupes libres. Les résultats et méthodes que je présenterai sont issus de près de 40 ans de littérature et sont dûs à un grand nombre d'auteurs.

Je commencerai par poser le paysage, y compris pour ceux qui ne savent plus ce qu'est le groupe libre -- où l'on verra qu'on est, du point de vue algorithmique, dans une variante de la combinatoire des mots. Je présenterai ensuite l'outil central de la plupart des algorithmes efficaces sur les sous-groupes du groupe libre : la représentation de chaque sous-groupe finiment engendré par un graphe étiqueté et enraciné (disons : d'un automate :-)…) unique et facilement calculable à partir d'un ensemble de générateurs du sous-groupe considéré, qu'on appelle le graphe de Stallings.

Le jeu consiste ensuite à traduire les problèmes algorithmiques sur les sous-groupes en problèmes algorithmiques sur les graphes de Stallings, et à résoudre ces problèmes de la façon la plus efficace possible.

On considèrera notamment les problèmes suivants -- bon, juste le début de cette longue liste.
- Le problème du mot généralisé : étant donnés k+1 éléments du groupe libre (ce sont des mots), le dernier appartient-il au sous-groupe engendré par les k premiers ?
- Le problème de l'indice : étant donné un tuple d'éléments du groupe libre, le sous-groupe qu'ils engendrent est-il d'indice fini ?
- Le problème de la base : étant donné un tuple d'éléments du groupe libre, trouver le rang, et une base du sous-groupe qu'ils engendrent.
- Le problème de l'intersection : étant donnés deux tuples d'éléments du groupe libre, calculer l'intersection des sous-groupes qu'ils engendrent (ou calculer une base de cette intersection).
- Le problème de la conjugaison : étant donnés deux tuples d'éléments du groupe libre, engendrent-ils le même sous-groupe ? deux sous-groupes conjugués ?
- Et de nombreux autres problèmes (mots clés : minimalité de Whitehead, facteur libre, malnormalité, clôture par radical, clôture au sens de la topologie pro-p, etc…)

title: Algorithmic problems in the theory of infinite groups
In spite of the very general title, we will talk only about problems on subgroups of infinite groups, and in fact, only on subgroups of free groups . The results and methods I will present have been obtained over the past 40 years and are due to many researchers.

I will start by setting the landscape, including for those who forgot what the free group is --- and we will see that we are dealing here, from the algorithmic point of view, with a variant of combinatorics on words. I will then present the tool that is central to most efficient algorithms on subgroups of free groups: the representation of each finitely generated subgroup by a labeled rooted graph (shall we say… an automaton?) which is unique and easily computable when a tuple of generators of the subgroup under consideration is given. This graph is called the Stallings graph.

The game consists, then, in translating algorithmic problems on subgroups into algorithmic problems on Stallings graphs, and in solving these problems as efficiently as possible.

We will discuss in particular the following problems (clearly: just the beginning of this long list).
- The generalized word problem: given k+1 elements of the free group (these are words), does the last one belong to the subgroup generated by the k first ones?
- The index problem: given a tuple of elements of the free group, does the subgroup they generate have finite index?
- The basis problem: given a tuple of elements of the free group, find the rank and a basis of the subgroup they generate.
- The intersection problem: given two tuples of elements of the free group, compute the intersection of the subgroups they generate (compute a basis of this intersection).
- The conjugacy problem: given two tuples of elements of the free group, are the subgroups they generate equal? conjugated?
- And many other problems (keywords: Whitehead minimality, free factors, malnormality, closure under radicals, closure in the sense of the pro-p topology, etc…)
Fri 26th Mar
10:00 am
11:00 am
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Séminaire Anne Etien

Title: Managing structural and behavioral evolution in relational database: Application of Software Engineering techniques.

Relational databases play a central role in many information systems.
Their schemas usually contain structural and behavioral entity descriptions.
However, as any piece of software, they must continuously evolve to adapt to new
requirements of a world in constant change. From an evolution point of view,
problems are twofold: (1) relational database management systems do not allow
inconsistencies i.e., no entity can reference a non existing entity; (2) stored
procedures bodies are not described by meta-data i.e., DBMS as PostgreSQL
consider stored procedure bodies as plain text and references to entities are
unknown. As a consequence, evaluating the impact of an evolution of the database
schema is a difficult task. In this seminar, we present a semi-automatic
approach based on recommendations (sort of nested code transformations).
Recommendations are proposed to architects who select the ones fitting their
needs. Selected recommendations are then analysed and compiled to generate SQL
script respecting the constraints imposed by the RDBMS. To support
recommendations, we designed a meta-model for relational databases easing
computation of change impact. We performed an experiment to validate the
approach by reproducing a real evolution on a database. The results of our
experiment show that our approach is able to reproduce exactly a manual
modification in 75% less time.

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Fri 19th Mar
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar Pablo Ferragin
Title: Theory and practice of learning-based compressed data structures

Presenter: Giorgio Vinciguerra

We revisit two fundamental and ubiquitous problems in data structure design:
predecessor search and rank/select primitives. We show that real data present a
peculiar kind of regularity based on geometric considerations. We name it
“approximate linearity”.
We thus expand the horizon of compressed data structures by presenting two
solutions for the problems above that discover, or “learn”, in a principled
algorithmic way, these approximate linearities. We provide a walkthrough of
these new theoretical achievements, also with a focus on open-source libraries
and their experimental improvements. We conclude by discussing the plethora of
research opportunities that these new learning-based approaches to data
structure design open up.

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Fri 12th Mar
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar: Antonio AL SERHALI
Title: Can Earliest Query Answering on Nested Streams be achieved in Combined Linear Time?
Fri 19th Feb
10:00 am
11:00 am
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Seminar: Bernardo Subercaseau
Title: Foundations of Languages for Interpretability.

The area of interpretability in Machine Learning aims for the design of algorithms that we humans can understand and trust. One of the fundamental questions of interpretability is: given a classifier M, and an input vector x, why did M classify x as M(x)? In order to approximate an answer to this "why" question, many concrete queries, metrics and scores have emerged as proxies, and their complexity has been studied over different classes of models. Many of these analyses are ad-hoc, but they tend to agree on the fact that these queries and scores are hard to compute over Neural Networks, but easy to compute over Decision Trees. It is thus natural to think of a more general approach, like a query language in which users could write an arbitrary number of different queries, and that would allow for a generalized study of the complexity of interpreting different ML models. Our work proposes foundations for such a language, tying to First Order Logic, as a way to have a clear understanding of its expressiveness and complexity. We manage to define a minimalistic structure over FO that allows expressing many natural interpretability queries over models, and we show that evaluating such queries can be done efficiently for Decision Trees, in data-complexity.

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Fri 12th Feb
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar: Florent Capelli
Title: Regularizing the delay of enumeration algorithms
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Abstract: Enumeration algorithms are algorithms whose goal is to output the set
of all solutions to a given problem. There exists different measures for the
quality of such algorithm, whose relevance depends on what the user wants to do
with the solutions set.

If the goal of the user is to explore some solutions or to transform the
solutions as they are outputted with a stream-like algorithm, a relevant measure
of the complexity of an enumeration algorithm is the delay between the output of
two distinct solutions. Following this line of thoughts, significant efforts
have been made by the community to design polynomial delay algorithms, that is,
algorithms whose delay between the output of two new solutions is polynomial in
the size of the input.

While this measure is interesting, it is not always completely necessary to have
a bound on the delay and it is enough to ask for a guarantee that running the
algorithm for O(t poly(n)) will result in the output of at least t solutions. Of
course, by storing each solution seen and outputting them regularly, one can
simulate a polynomial delay but if the number of solutions is large, it may
result in a blow up in the space used by the enumerator.

In this talk, we will present a new technique that allow to transform such
algorithm into polynomial delay algorithm using polynomial space.

This is joint work with Yann Strozecki.
Fri 15th Jan
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Séminaire de Kim Nguyễn
Titile: The BOLDR project
Abstract: I
n this presentation, I will give an account of the BOLDR project and
perspectives in the field of language integrated queries.

Several classes of solutions allow programming languages to express
queries: specific APIs such as JDBC, Object-Relational Mappings (ORMs)
such as Hibernate, and language-integrated query frameworks such as
Microsoft's LINQ. However, most of these solutions do not allow for
efficient cross-databases queries, and none allow the use of complex
application logic from the programming language in queries.

We study the design of a new language-integrated query
framework called BOLDR that allows the evaluation in databases of
queries written in general-purpose programming languages containing
application logic, and targeting several databases following different
data models. In this framework, application queries are translated to
an intermediate representation. Then, they are typed with a type
system extensible by databases in order to detect which database
language each subexpression should be translated to. This type system
also allows us to detect a class of errors before execution. Next,
they are rewritten in order to avoid query avalanches and make the
most out of database optimizations. Finally, queries are sent for
evaluation to the corresponding databases and the results are
converted back to the application. Our experiments show that the
techniques we implemented are applicable to real-world database
applications, successfully handling a variety of language-integrated
queries with good performances.

This talk will give an overview of what has been achieved so far (mainly
in the context of Julien Lopez' PhD Thesis) and will glimpse at preliminary
work that is being done in the context of a collaboration with Oracle Labs.
Fri 8th Jan
10:45 am
12:30 pm
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Séminaire @ Lê Thành Dũng (Tito) Nguyễn
Title: The planar geometry of first-order string transductions (joint work with Pierre Pradic)


We propose a new machine model recognizing star-free languages, with a geometric flavor. Our starting point is the characterization of regular languages using two-way automata (2DFA). The idea is to take seriously the visual representations found throughout the literature of the behavior of a 2DFA on a word ; by putting a total order on the set of states, one can formally define what it means for such a behavior to be planar, in a sense analogous to the planarity of combinatorial maps. Star-free languages are then exactly the languages recognized by "planar 2DFA". We also show that the corresponding planar transducer model characterizes the class of first-order transductions (a.k.a. aperiodic regular functions). If time allows, the talk will briefly discuss the connections of this work with the non-commutative lambda-calculus (cf. our recent paper Aperiodicity in a non-commutative logic, ICALP'20).

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